So it is Rewritten Episode 8

Can the ponies hold true to their word that they won't fall asleep too early while at sparkleworks' house for a slumber party?

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 11

And so he traveled once more the interminable corridor of darkness to the chamber of death, where the slumbering shadow waited. the nameless god studied him from atop its tomb. "my mother," vacka hissed.

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Born Again Angel: Chapter 2 - Explanations

The laugh dying off to a soft whimper as the darkness consumes him once again, his breathing becoming steady as he slumbers once more.

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After Dark: a side story, Part Three

Rachel had no qualms about touching the slumbering girl, though did so gently, just rubbing cathrine's robe covered back and shoulder until she was sure the girl was out cold again.

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My Three Jewels: Adjusting pt. 3

With that last thought, lord kra'zzerix fell into a light slumber. the morning slowly progressed as the four dragons slept in their spaces.

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Spring Awakening

Rise from your slumber to your new kingdom, and bask in the sun's warm love.

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Getting closer to their mouth, all you can hear is their rhythmic, slumber-filled breaths. the swirling wind being pushed in and out of their lungs is at a scale you can barely comprehend.

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Fervent Chaos: Part Two

Huddling closer to her sleeping eevee, she sighed once more, gently straying off into her own slumber. her last hazy thought: that of gratitude. _thank you._

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Poem #22

I look down upon my body, so serene in it's slumber, laughter wells up, my form shaking with mirth, relishing this moment of peace and painlessness.


Towards a Brighter Day

Smile towards the brilliant blue sky remembering the warmth of those that i hold close to me i call your names in this uncertain world you all stand firm by me as i softly fall asleep the gentle rain falls against my windows lured into a deep slumber

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Two Tails,One Heart

I whined these words softly as i curled into a ball on the hardwood floor,squeezing my eyes tightly back to a close,hoping i would fall back into one of those deep slumbers i had known all to well...those deep slumbers where dreams--nor nightmares--were ever

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Songs of the Dragons Vol #1 Promenade of Fear Chapter 1

The world of rheasa is in grave danger a darkness is awakening from the depths of the world, and only the draghnarok the half blood can find the way to to allow the dark dragon to slumber once again.

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