Love of a Hero 6: Tied Up

His expression turned to concern when he noticed the solemn look on her face. rena smiled and nuzzled him "can we skip dinner tonight master?" she whispered into his floppy ear.

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Through the Looking Glass: Chapter 3-B

"_ _banjo sighed, looking down at the floor solemnly as he thought about this._ _"i had a younger sister," he replied. "she was the best thing that ever happened to me, you know?"

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The Inescapable Us - Chapter 5

"you don't have to go if you don't want to," dad said solemnly, though the amusement was still somewhere in the furrows of his snout. it was strange, wally thought, that look in his eye. apologetic. nostalgic.

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The Captain

As the horns blare a solemn tune, gloom and fear linger over. the candles are blown out. his armor adorned. he grabs his shield and sword as he turns to see the last moment of his gentle beauty.

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Claiming victory over the fearsome black dragon general known only as obsidian, sigmund and his white fangs had so impressed the other races that the samoyeds solemnly swore allegiance and the huskies began frequenting wolfen cities to pay their respects and

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Behind Closed Doors

This cottage flowerbed overcome by weeds, ground laid to waste, waves solemnly through the misted window, as a single speck of dust settles on the chocolate foil, drifting near the paper bin, almost posed to find. but no: she is gone.

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Flowers For Serath #1

He waits in solemn patience and quiet meditation as his tail lays motionless at his side. his anxieties are given to the divine. he has no need for anything else. his life a mystery as he travels through this vacuum of living things, thought and emotion.

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Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 34

I look up at her solemn face and her look speaks volumes. "my words cannot express my feeling of sorrow adequately enough; i can't even imagine how you must be feeling at this time.

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Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 11

Looking at his handiwork, the kitsune nodded solemnly as everybody eyed the mound of earth in which they had buried shifu's body.

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Pandora's Templar - Chapter 36

Jake nodded solemnly. "i know," he said. "eat your food and then get some shut eye, zealot; you'll need it. tomorrow's going to be a long day..."

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An Actor's Mantra

He slowed his breathing a little then began: "to sit in solemn silence on a dull, dark dock. in a pestilential prison with a life-long lock.


Eli Eli 3: Breath of Wind

The cub nodded solemnly, as if he was about to undertake an ancient ritual. jason turned around to face his rear at eli, then he went on his back before him.

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