Strapping Musk

"atta boy," said the bear as he practically drug the zonked out lab across the back wall towards the shower stalls, forced to crane his neck to see where he was going.

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Strapping Musk

"atta boy," said the bear as he practically drug the zonked out lab across the back wall towards the shower stalls, forced to crane his neck to see where he was going.

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Hypnovember - Day 4: Musk/Scent

So he giggled, his eyes focused on the zonked unicorn who had got addicted to his smell. golden horn saw the players running on the field, at the other side of the fence. they were oblivious to what was taking place mere feet away from them.

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A confusing timeline (Patreon reward for Kodi)

He'd been his friend for a few years now, how could he be the hypnotist that had zonked him twice for the past few weeks? had it been twice? most importantly, had it only been a few weeks? _yes_, he thought.

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Hypnovember Day 6 - Accidental

I wasn't gonna try to zonk everyone into making them forget. that's beyond my powers, you know. and we were, like, fuck, we're gonna get arrested for this aren't we?

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Rocked by the Band, Chapter 1: Start of the Tour

He'd been playing for a while earlier, and most of the band was under some sort of zonking anyway. otherwise, his and greta's mode of dress would have probably put them off.

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Case Study 1201

That damn soft music kept me zonked out, too. by then, my head was somewhere else. i can barely remember the lights dimming (at this moment, we suspect, is when the security camera caught noticeable signs of relaxation.

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Boyfriend's Halloween Secret, Part 2

#4 of zsisron's zonk shop blurb: your boyfriend's secret is revealed... in more ways than one!credits: commissioner: zsisrondarkwater art by: forge forge story author: dolphinsanity see also: zsisron's posting!dolphin's comment: happy halloween, all!

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Hypnovember - Day 1: The Classic

His load stained chance's clothes and made a little puddle between his paws, yet the intense musk didn't seem to bother the zonked feline. he was completely empty, a puppet waiting for a new command.

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Made To Order

"slap a mind control collar on them, fuck their zonked ass until they're good and complacent, and then some therapeutic mind-melding back into shape." "...uhm.

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Enslavement Recorded

The gryphon's eyes rolled back in his head as the refresher to his master's musk slammed through his system, all but zonking him out again. as if he wasn't already mostly out of it already. "nnngh...mmph..."

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