A Love Trap

He was sucking on a pink pacifier and playing with some chunky plastic baby toys. similar to loupy, he wore mittens and booties, but they were not locked together. priscilla opened the side of the playpen and placed loupy inside.

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Karma Express Delivery

Or maybe they were both going to an older person who just for some reason liked to play with baby toys... or a toddler who had taken a very early interest in violent video games. with no way to know in advance, kickaha had to do his best guess.

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The Worst Babysitter

Across the ground was covered in old baby toys. they were all things that he used to have as a baby that his parents put away when they decided he was too old for them.

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Heart Of Fire

Among the dusky sand lay coiled some type of viper or snake with a tail that made noise like a baby's toy. rattlesnake. i reckoned in my mind if i should kill it or not, as these were nasty critters if they took a piece out of you with those fangs.

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The Acerbus Wolf

There were some baby toys and clothes that must have been hers in the box, her parents wanted to save that memory of her.

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Cletus The Leprechaun

There was a baby crib, a changing table, baby toys, it looked just like the room of a baby. "that stupid leprechaun was only granting wishes, who wished for this?!" she said out loud. it frustrated her to no end.

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Shocky's New Daddy

His hands tried to reach down, but the baby toys around his midsection stopped him from having any access to his lower half.

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Chapter Seven

Thea gave her every single baby toy she had left over from the school as well as a larger crib donated to the school specifically for twins. ashryn busied herself making up a corner of their room for her babies.

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There were a few stuffed animals and some sundry baby toys, scattered both in the playpen and on the floor of the room.

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Dragon Ranch: Character Bios

Nixi and her kind will take to various dog toys, including rawhide chews, and even some toddler and infant toys as well. they also love to splash around in water.

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Carried Away- Part 3

Standing nearly as tall as the cheetah himself, lined with pink, plush cushioning, and filled with all kinds of stuffed animals and baby toys.

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