To Dream of Darkness III - CH 50

But she was very careful in the sort of clients she worked for with mind magic, as she did not want to get a bad reputation in this land.

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A Small Bounty - 4

Maurice because of a personal beef, and titus might just because he could; that bounty hunter had a bad reputation of violence and destruction. "well, that certainly gives me something to think about. thanks for the help, espin."

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 17

Is you and your bad reputation of dating guys." i said. "oh, leave it." the disgusted ashley said. "so what's for dinner?" "i'll go and make dinner." ashton left the room. i look at ashley. "hey, ashley, can i tried some of that gay comic books?"

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Mitriaria (chapter 33)

'from this day forwards, i want others to know me for my good deeds, not for the bad reputation of an unfeeling snappy dragon.' 'cool!' 'it's been a real pleasure to have faced you. i really enjoyed your company.'

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Preview - Changing Room Revelations

It also had a bad reputation for being more animalistic, less hygienic, and overall less appealing than a more human looking one. "oh," i said, trying to think about what to say.

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The Princess Canine: Chapter 4: Resolving Issues

"he will give our ballet company a bad reputation!" jonnie tried to get a word in edge-wise. "bilby..." bilby ranted on. "we don't need him!" he looked down at jonnie with hope in his eyes. "think of it.

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Sunshine Days - Chapter 19

I think maybe if he didn't kick me out or punish me, he'd still get, like, a bad reputation with our church. we go to one of those mega churches. it's called..."

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(Star Fox) 1. City that Never Sleeps

I worked damn hard to build my bad reputation, and i ain't gonna just throw away such a valuable asset." "just ten minutes? she's put a lot of work into researching you, and the least you could do is respect that."

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Prince of G nation: Chapter 2: Arrival

He heard few things about this country just that it had a bad reputation with the more religious countries as being immoral and repulsive and even some of the more progressive countries did not like some of their customs.

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Digi Kimi Chapter 11: Expectation

reputation,' said the head coach as he put the tape in. and it started, they saw a group of high school student dancing on their last day off school, among those student they though that they saw ty, so they continue watching, the like the song that they

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The Twleve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Non-canon - Alley Encounter

Temptation, as she called herself, had come into existence, and was now on the prowl, giving her quite the bad reputation. so far, she had been in the boy's room at acme looniversity, giving a peep show to anyone who had walked in.

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Hotel Emperador - Chapter 4: Mr Viennomante

Several times, but none is willing to buy this place with all the bad reputation. the few who do are offering me pennies. i am not throwing the legacy of my family away for a bag of peanuts."

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