Payback is a full belly!

His thick black cock beginning to peek out of his slit dripping with its own lubrications. jerbie laid his head on his forepaws as he clawed at the ground at the thrusts stimulating his rear.

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Vaughn Gets Shafted

It passed past the two nude chicks and jumped at the big black cock. "t-the fuck?!", said the black cock as the white cock humped him. emily entered the room. "vaughn, there you are!"

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Caleb and Raz

He roared out, his thick black shaft gushing hard and spraying jizz all over the gym behind him.

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RainFurrest 09

Dixie gripped that long flexible black shaft in both paws, keeping it straight as she pushed in hard against his tight little plucker.

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The Dark Lord's Pet

His black dick was huge. it was fifteen inches tall, and very thick. i was scared if anything, i struggled to get away. "b-brevelia, stop~" zyl ordered, but i still struggled. zyl shoved his black dick into my flower. "master!"

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Lifeguarding the Father

His black cock ached in his speedo so maroso snaked a hand down to fish out his cock while the bird pulled back to his tip slowly.

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Your all Mine...

His mouth hanging open in surprise, while his fat black cock slapped up against his belly in sexual excitement.

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NC 14: Problems with Inebriated Crime Lords

Everyone else was too busy talking to each other to notice their boss with a big black cock nearly nine inches long in his hand, but as he whistled and spun it around, people slowly began to stare.

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Lost 3: The Test Part1

He got off the poor mon's legs, and stood, majestic and muscled, his black cock hardened sometime to 16 inches, obviously enjoying inflicting pain.

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Otter's Daily Life- Halloween Party, Part 4

Kris watched the yellow liquid pour from xeila's black dick, transfixed by the view. then she grabbed a spare roll of toilet paper and began to wipe up their mess.

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Bathroom Break

A small girly moan escaped the foxes muzzle as he softly stroked the large furry orbs, slowly his sheathe spreads as the thick musky tip of his black cock started to slip out.

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The Jester Among Dragons

The new wolf had his whole muzzle in the dragon's slit, just breathing as more of reflective-black's cock emerged. it was as thick as a'ex's leg, and covered in shiny slick.

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