Ch. 65

"you gonna bring every stray you find home?" she teased me, with a wink as she turned and walked into the room ahead of us. "bed's made up, but you need a shower, fucker." she teased me, with a nod to the bathroom door. "cocoa's waiting."

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The loss of sight

Getting food was easy but, finding home was a real pain. some time later maka brought an adult male in and was going to teach her pups the facts of life.

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Runt Part 1

Since mom and dad were both purebred german shepherds her master was able to find homes for the two females (he actually took money under the table for them) and for my 4 largest brothers when they were 10 weeks old.

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Starfire Snipers

\>the sharp crack of the rookie's rifle sounds in tandem with the bassy pop of your own as your round finds home in the target tank, and... \>...

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Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty Three

He hoped you'd help continue his work to end slavery and find a way for cubs to find homes that want them without the cubs being sold. your father has the most brilliant mind but even he saw your potential to be greater than him.

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Making Scents of Life - Part 5: Passion

Finally, the last song was done, and the audience began to break up, heading off in various directions to either find home, or more fun, depending on the people involved.

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Character bio For Taiku Altegrund

First memory: he was lost in the middle of munich and felt that he could find home better by flying.??however he was shot down by a cop.??he was latter questioned and he explained that he was only trying to get home.??

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Twokinds - Coin Flip

However, so long as the scent of wolf lingered in his nose, on his hands, along his upper lip... well, he had a pretty good idea of where he could find 'home'.

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Pinpricks - Chapter 1

A reminder of college, and how it felt to find home in a new place. "i'm so glad you came with me. from college. i was so scared of moving to greenborough alone. but i got to bring you." she squeezed me. "i know.

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An Unconventional Family

At first when she had been assigned to the pair of men, she hadn't approved of bringing children into this environment but over the years and with any number of boys that max and ron had helped find homes she'd gradually warmed up to the couple.

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Winter Recurrence Chapter 2: A Memory of the North

In a fit of denial his arm shot forward, finding home against the dense white fur of the heavily aroused canine in the doorway. with a firm shove the grey wolf pushed him to the wall, pinning him briefly.

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Better Angels: Part 2

"he says they will destroy what they find in the valley," akohm translated, "i will help and then we will find home. nobody will know of this place."

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