Memoirs of Dragora Ch.6

Slypnir shouted, seeing the terrible force of nature that had manifested itself in dragora. "i don't think he can...

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Chaos, and other job descriptions- Part 1

The kind of magic that actually occurs is more like a force of nature than anything, it's an intangible substance that exists in everything, and some people, myself included, have managed to harness it is harnessed, and what form it may take, depends

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Surface (Chapter 5)

She was a force of nature, and nature will miss her. i wish i could have made her as happy as she made me. i'm sorry, everyone... i tried.'

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Zootopia - Beast-Wars

In the original series there was a evil/force of nature called the swarm. basically the gray goo nano machine fear, but it can travel through space like a swarm of locusts. the vok are descended from this, or part of it.

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Wilde Magic

He channeled that rage into his chant as he yelled out "forces of nature, unleash your fury on the royal asshole daniel g. loghorn!" lightning struck the pole again and it jumped into the four-foot tall fox clinging to it.

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The Amazing Skunk Boy! (chapter 1 origins and transformations)

It had been like a prayer to the chaotic forces of nature. he crawled into bed, and pulled the covers over his head, as if to hide the heady musk.

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Oraefo Makes It Big!

Of course, she also knew that oraefo was a force of nature, free and wild, who would do as she pleased. still, it could be fun if only for a night. a huge mitt of a hand closed around her tiny, delicate wing.

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Zion - A Reader Driven Story (roughdraft)

The human empire and their many allies (numerous anthromorphic races, dwarves, gnomes, and magically enhanced constructs) will fight against the combined forces of nature (sentient animals, dragons, elementals, etc) as lead by the elves.

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Desperate Stand

This was not an impassive act of negligence, nor a force of nature. these were agents of the gods sent to do their bidding. it was then that i realized the error in my judgment.

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The Promise

Andy simply knew the beast was real, incredibly old and powerful, a massive force of nature. he felt its strength, the mass and sense of weight, and a sense of dull contentment that was appealing.

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Cassandra IV

In his mind, wreath had beaten the wild on his own, driving back the forces of nature and conquering feral strangers in their absence. a howl of rage, echoing over the broken city skyline drew wreath to greater speed.

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Axel (en_US).

Yure was becoming too aroused, loving to fight not only against axel, but against the forces of nature. every time when his bladder had a frustrated contraction, he felt pleasure shivers run his spine up, to the brain, and down, to the penis.

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