Nescas random

She let the tears run free falling like rain from her onto the people below. as each person was touched, they were hit by such an immense wave of sorrow and guilt they fell to the ground .


Truth or Dare Chapter 13: Lost

I can insulate the core systems but if something goes off right on us we are screwed;" "we just broke 2500 feet, any free fall would kill us and i know they don't want miss redtail dead."

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Day 10 - Gentle

It was like missing a step on the stairs, and finding yourself in free fall for just a moment. by the time you caught yourself, you'd fallen pretty deep. "there you go. dropping so deep, with just that word.

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The Mythical Incursion 19 - Adaptation

Melody and felicity were both free-falling in the sky, plummeting towards the ground. a shard of ice fell towards her, and she was back in her home. * * * she was dead again. the dragon killed her. someone's stomach grumbled loudly.

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An Oblivious Friend: Fun Time

He sighed softly and just whe he was about to rub it, he felt himself start to fall and enter a free fall... getting covered in the underwear as it dropped to the floor. thankfully, he was cushioned and wasn't hurt, but he was definitely dizzy.

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Sibling bond 2

He jumped off the balcony and he was in free fall sum two hundred fifty stories. to be continued.


Request story for luckycoyote (micro)

Soon he drops straight down his hands franticly trying to cling onto something to stop him as he keeps free falling as he sees light below him smiling as he drops past the large black sock but to his dismay he finds his self not rushing to the floor

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Legend of Spyro - Sins of the Past - Chapter 1: End of darkness

Spyro said shivering every time he laid his weight on left leg "we don't have to... its free-fall. come on!" cynder said and moved next to spyro giving him extra balance as he could lean on cynder a bit. "come on people...

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The Best Cum Ever

From ed's view it was like looking down on the free fall ride at an amusement park. before long brian felt the blood pumping. his heart raced with excitement. ed was very good at this. and he seemed to be enjoying this too.

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Chapter 1: Into The Abyss

Nor the free fall down into the river below. if it were not for the seat belt that he had managed to put on with the help melody this would be the end of thellos's story.

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Hiking Woes

It ripped, and he was left holding a strap, and watching his pack tumble down the cliff face into a free fall. "_knew i should've bought new, not used equipment for my hike."

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The story of 'Us'

His heart as high as it was went into free-fall as she described to him that she had found another that she could be closer to. he smiled slightly remembering how much he cared.

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