Tiny Toe Toy Tiko

He couldn't understand what was being said but it still sounded like a good time. tiko rose onto his hindpaws and squeaked cutely before placing his fully-padded forepaws on the lizard's snout.

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I'll Be Your Friend

Through good times and through bad, whether you're happy or you're sad, i'll be your friend.

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Jasper's Night Out

"jasper here was just telling me how he's lookin' for a good time. ain't that right?" ash looked down at him. "ah, that's right." jasper nodded. "ha! really? the little doggy wants a good time, eh?"

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Willy Skunk

A tale about a family having a good time at the beach. willy skunk and kelly fox went to a beach and played on the sand. after that, they went to eat lunch together. what they had were hot dogs, root beer, salad, and of course, blts.


Jake & Max

"just having a good time, geting drunk, what's a sweet husky don't here in a club?" "ha-ha, the same as you, just looking for a good time." the husky finished his fourth beer and turned to face the jake.

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Tina II Chapter Seven- Nakedfur Resorts- A Gray Muzzle story

I'm 'ere to help you 'av a good time at nakedfurs. and who wants to 'av a good time? "we're here to have a bloody fuckin' good time!" the bus echoed, already well trained. "good on ya, then!" he bellowed. "we'll start with the camp song.

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Confuzzled meme

To have a good time and meet more people/furs to talk with and maybe game with. or find a job \>.\>


Story that got me a perfect score on the SAT

After drawing a unicorn named luis and a war-giraffe named bob on the rough draft page, i decided that it was a good time to read the prompt and get it over with.

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Story that got me a perfect score on the SAT

After drawing a unicorn named luis and a war-giraffe named bob on the rough draft page, i decided that it was a good time to read the prompt and get it over with.

Day 25 - Cozy

The bear thanked his lucky star for making good time on the hike and quickly resumed his perusal. his eyes moved from the walls to the furniture sprawled over the rough wooden floor.

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Untamed Wildlands

-it's such a good time to show me that you are a good bodyguard. -aww are you scared? -ravon this is not a good time for jokes!

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Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Ch:12 The offical date

We had some good times togeather...yeah...good times." "whatever." bowser leaned back. tina came back with their drinks. "here`s your beer, and your spicy drink." tina says.

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