Chapter 5: New Blood

"no," gina whimpered as the flesh beneath his hoof gradually changed from hard muscle to...well, more hard muscle, but it was covered with an inch of fat. "yes," crossfire said simply.

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Destiny for Two Pt 5

My aura was still red but was gradually changing back to its original color, as was my fur. when i gained full control of myself i put my arms around luna and returned her embrace saying, "thank you.

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Corruption: Birth of The Sin of Wrath, Luis

As his body gradually changed, the loincloth he'd been wear couldn't hold on any longer, and it was soon torn off. there, the fox's penis had grown a bit and changed to a more canine looking penis.

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Springtide: Vector's Rebirth

Instead of a gradual change to new scenery, it was as if two completely different ecosystems had just been sat next to each other. and even stranger... there were two completely different areas bordering this sudden break in the meadow.

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Springtide: Winter Warmth

There was no gradual change from the warm field to the cold landscape. it just changed instantly like two different picture sat directly next to each other. and odder yet, on the snowy side it appeared to be later in the day.

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Ander - Chapter 8, Subchapter 10 (The End)

Ander pulled it down a little further, and now he could see part of a forehead as well, gradually changing colour, becoming lighter around the face, and - another pair of ears suddenly popped up beside the first. a completely different set.

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Fox Hunt

Throughout her ordeal, a gradual change come over her - as the hound took away her puppy-hood, and in his first, frenetic lunges - had turned her truly, into an adult.

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Switch: When Foxes Don't Care

His licks gradually changed from long ones, from my tail to my balls, to short, little ones, just on my tailhole.

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The shadow within

His fur color gradually changed, darkening to a nearly pitch-black shade. horns elongated until they reached almost twice their original length, while also developing additional branches and sharpening their tips.

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System Shock

It was a very gradual change, but slowly the ship started to tilt to the side, they all braced themselves as another avalanche of dirt flew into the sky as the metal struck ground.

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Soaring Scrolls

"it was... a really slow, gradual change... it didn't happen right away for me." the next question was one that soarin simply couldn't ask at a volume louder than a whisper. "but... why... why didn't you tell me sooner?" muse scroll turned away. "i...

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Mind Control Tales: Hypno Bears Edition 1

It had taken many months of hypnotic sessions to gradually change trent into exactly the kind of master he wanted. making him more dominant, introducing a need to have a slave to control and love, installing a fetishes for leather and bdsm.

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