The Myth and Legend of a Monster: An Assassin in Drewen- illegal Sex Party

The screaming soon stopped after the grinding had reached the brain, now getting pinkish grey goo on the wall.

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Another Time: Chapter 6

Jd gave him a smile and began shovelling the grey goo into his muzzle. the meal was served in a standard metal tray with a circular depression just for the colourless mush.

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Unexpected Chapter 2

Working quickly, he squirted some of the grey goo onto the first two fingers of his right hand and reached out to carefully smear some on to her burn.

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Wolfholme: Lincoln and Roderick

Roderick made the right choice to go with stan because when lincoln stepped into the dining room and found himself staring at a strange, grey goo that smelled great but looked partially alive... he had to fight the urge to turn and run while shouting 'wait

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Drift - 03 - Utopia

A ring of blue energy throbbed and rotated around a large liquid blob of gray goo, suspended against gravity... although the field didn't seem to be entirely stable.

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Zootopia - Beast-Wars

Basically the gray goo nano machine fear, but it can travel through space like a swarm of locusts. the vok are descended from this, or part of it. yet they remember that it was the humans in cooperation with the autobots that stopped them.

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Easy gig

The gray goo gave the final touches and transformed into an expressionless and plain canine face, while the phallus expanded, its hollow insides turning into a clean canal from mouth to throat.

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My life as a teenage whorebot

He pushes down on the plunger and watches a thick, gray goo fall into jenny's mouth. when the syringe is empty, he lets her mouth shut and steps back setting the syringe down and watches her.

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Coming Up With A Plan

Sere was referring to a glass tube sealed on both ends, filled about a third of the way with a shimmering gray goo. "right. some weird hitchhiker asked us to take him to some planet on our way.

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An unforgettable trip

He saw his own claw appear from under that mass of gray goo, as if it was normal. and when he looked behind him, the massive tail was no longer there. instead, yongseop found the remnants of the gray goo covering the bushes and dirt.

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First Contact, July 23rd 2011, 5:56 AM

The animal didn't even struggle as pat's balls went to work converting its body to thick gray goo. his body practically ripped the dog apart in barely contained sexual bliss.

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