A Place to Belong - Chapter 8

In fact it was mind blowing, but that feeling after words when i held her close... i smiled as the truth finally sunk in.

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Corruption Stream Story 2: The Succubus Hole

The feeling of penetration was mind-blowing. the inside of the toy was hot and wet like nothing he'd ever felt, not even when he'd had obrum around him.

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Chapter 2

blowing call he received from general pepper and was pondering on how exactly he was going to explain this to his friends.

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Living canvas [Complete]

I collapsed onto the puma, panting hard, the blood was thumping in my ears as the last bits of energy were consumed in another mind-blowing orgasm. "fuck."

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There coming

And seeing patamon and tails work together so quickly after all their ordeals was again just mind blowing. tails asked, "so is a really true? is everyone really coming back?" patamon said, "i heard it that a lot lately too.

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Things That Go Hump in the Night

mind blowing is probably the best way to describe it. never in his life had he been sucked off in such an amazing way.

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Self Growth (request for Zeeme)

He collapsed with a grunt, the effect of two mind blowing orgasms in a row too much for the horse. he began to doze off as scott pulled himself off the cock lodged in his mouth.

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Charlie Steals the Thunder

All that mattered was the sex, the mind-blowing sex. _what really did it matter, this time, if he was with a male?

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Spiteful fun

This time however i let a small amount of magic flow on my own tool, making his stretching less painful and more mind blowing pleasurable.

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The Hrothgar Travellers

Months of sexual frustration had finally reached its end with this mind-blowing orgasm. jacking off would never be the same now that redheart has his eager gay friend by his side.

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No Rhyme or Reason

And as her body continued to grow, and to prepare itself for whatever lay at the end of this bizarre, practically impossible transformation, all that the lioness truly wanted to do was be there, be a part of it, and learn just how mind-blowingly incredible

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From The Local Office

She was vibrating, her entire body wracked with a mind-blowing orgasm, and he slammed into as deep as possible and let her milk him.

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