Definitely More Than Friends!

G-Wolf and Spire stare at each other but G-Wolf was the one that made the first move and leaned forward, kissing Spire. Not surprise, wanting to kiss, Spire kissed right back, deepened it even by push forward onto G-Wolf, making the wolf fall to his...

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The Hands Off Approach

"Get off the stage, jackass!" a voice pierced through the music of the club. The pair of bouncers on duty for the performance floor looked at each other, nodded, and headed in the direction of the voice. Both were dinosaurs, standing well over...

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Offer of a Lifetime: Part 1

Offer of a Lifetime: Part 1 One Door Closes, Another One Opens By: Ta'kom Ironhoof The long days of high school were finally over. While not an exceptional student, Daniel had at least managed to pass his classes while also working a...

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Just a Little Break

I finished the equation on the sheet of paper besides me. Okay this should be the answer. With the mouse in hand, I moved the cursor into the box and typed in my answer. I press Enter and almost immediately get hit with the incorrect popup I have been...

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Forbidden Love

Forbidden Love A friend asked me to write this for them. I'm not really into this kind of thing but wtf I did it...

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Embrace Me

Embrace me. By: Strid ©2010 Blah blah blah don't read this if you're under 18. _A lonely gryphon meets the dragon of his fantasies and gets everything he's ever wanted._ I lost my job a few hours ago. It wasn't really my...

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Cold Nights, Warm Friends

Cold nights and warm friends "OK, OK, you win, I guess you can get your, er, reward..." Caleb squirmed and folded his ears back, the deer buck nervously squirming besides his best friend. The chubby bunny guy was a bit taller than the deer already,...

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A Simple Business Arrangement

"no condom, for sure. a few scratches... probably not. don't worry... i'll be careful not to bite... too much..." shi grinned before playfully snapping her teeth at him. carlos nodded and took the plastic package from her.

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One Hell of a Night - Chapter 4

_I finally found the time to get this chapter finished up, and got some more ideas for progression in the process, so win-win. Downside is that I can't really promise anything more in the immediate future, though I will be working on this whenever the...

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Quinn's Farm: Chapter 8 - The Breeding Farm

**Cast** : **Quinn** - Otter **Jack** - Rat **Nick** - Monkey (Farm owner) **Author's Note** : This story contains gay adult sexual acts. It contains anal, masturbation and condom play. This story also contains...

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Random Rabbit Shorts - Poisson Special

(Author's note: This story, believe it or not, was inspired by a pair of pictures by Shiuk of a white bellhop bunny that I found on e621. I gave him a name, a boss, a place of employment, and someone to fuck him. Possibly multiple times. Perhaps Shuik...

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"Night, Gabbie." Michelle told her on her way out. The office was always cleaned out of people by 3 on Fridays. No one wanted to stay late. The last people out of the office was herself and her boss, Marshall. They all worked as a part of a web hosting...

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