
"ouch, ouch, ouch," he whispered. a frantic exclamation. rising. a rising. the tension. the fear. to drive home would take half an hour. and driving home with one paw ... at night.


Love's Pound Desires from the past

"ouch, ouch, okay im awake." i said and sat up in the bed; she looked at me and sighed before she walked out from the room.

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Dragon Freeze Pain

#3 of dragon ouch pain **sequel to dragon flame pain** * * * cindy awoke once again in the middle of the night.

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Digimon 01 Alternate Episode 1

.** **"ouch, my head, what's this place?" joe asked briskly.

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I think I Goofed 4

[a97db350209687.gif](]( debbie: ouch! what the fuck have i got my self argh! in to here? ummph! squeak! umpph! squeak!

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The Journey Begins part 2

"ouch!" is all i heard, then there was, moaning. looking over at sarah and kiki, sarah was rubbing kiki's pussy and kissing her.

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ouch! stop! ouch! ouch! yeouch!" zeggor said as the pebbles, sticks and roots passed on his body, ripping tuffs of fur from him as he was drag on the ground. "stop! stop, you stupid lizard! ouch! let me get up! i have legs! ouch! my loincloth!"

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The Chocolate Doughnut Inn

"ouch! ouch! ouch! my shit hole! youch not so fast, wheres my mommy!" _"has he always been such a crybaby?"_ _"only since you got a hold of him," _blue said, a grin almost audible in his voice.

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Digimon masters Ch.3 who side are you on?

I ran to gabumon and took the diamonds out of his stomach " ouch! " yelled gabumon " they have to come out sorry " i said still taking them out jason walked up to me " so what group are you in? " he asked " what are you talking about?

Glory's Bad Beach Day

"ouch... oh... what now!" the griffin yelped as she felt a sudden burst of pressure bubbling up between her legs and she was forced to spread them wide on the sand. "no, no, i..." _'splosh!'

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It Started With Toast- Chapter 16

"ouch \>\_\<" walking into the living room rubbing my nose charo laughing i just growled at her and sat down. "so how's you tiger?" grinning she was eating on one of the cookies out of the jar that was on the table.

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My first time

."** **"i'm alright...ouch..."** **"sorry daughter, it's my fault," father hastened to apologize.** **"no daddy, it's not your fault. i'm loving it, really," i looked at him and tried to smile.** **we glanced at each other.

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