Catching Kevin

"he's yiffing a husky pool toy." brian's eyes widened and a toothy grin spread across his muzzle. "you didn't say anything about a husky pool toy." the river otter was practically drooling as he moved to walk into the shower.

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Hot Air

She could tell immediately that it was an inflatable alligator pool toy.

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Rubber Lilly Pad Trap - Commission -

After settling down he looked over at the pool toy next too him, and was surprised to see that it had inflated to about twice its original size.

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (2/10)

Yet the longer he stood there the more the pool toy crept over his body until it looked like he was wearing a semi-translucent bodysuit.

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Squeaky Pool Fun

toy was a living being.

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House Warming

pool toys littered concrete near a stack of rugs marked, "drying mats." the toys looked fun and savannah imagined enjoying some with his friend.

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Lusty Lizards Come in Small Packages

Scott knew that i liked pool toys. i had a fair selection stored next to the pool, from dolphins to crocodiles to dinosaurs. what he didn't know however, was that i _liked_ pool toys.

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