Journey of the Chosen Chapter Twelve

After becoming a little more accustomed to how this new world really works, evin finally begins a quest to get word of his survival back home to his sister and parents as he set out from professor juniper's lab in nuvema town.

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Elevin

After becoming a little more accustomed to how this new world really works, evin finally begins a quest to get word of his survival back home to his sister and parents as he set out from professor juniper's lab in nuvema town.

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Where it all went wrong

Dewott came back into the room leading dante, goth-li, and professor juniper. dante was on one crutch as his right arm was in a sling, dante smiled widely, "man you really had us scared there for a few minutes."

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Chapter 2

The only ones that currently do belong to cheren, bianca, myself and professor juniper. they'd have no idea other than that you were fully evolved.

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Seventeen

When he pushed the answer button he saw professor juniper on screen as she had a mild mixture of relief and frustration on her face.

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Pokemon Unevolved - Chapter 5

#2 of pokemon unevolved kelly is asked by professor juniper to go on an pokémon journey through unova with the restriction that she cannot evolve her pokémon.

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Four

Sounding worried, professor juniper asked, "is he okay?" joy looked a little unsure for a moment, "yes he is, but that is also the issue.

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Eight

His original plan for the egg he had at the pokemon center was to give the new pokemon that hatched from the egg to professor juniper.

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Twenty-Two part two

\*\*\* refreshed and dressed again, evin was in the middle of his examination from doctor valentine when a call from professor juniper interrupted.

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