Maketh the Man

Emily giggled, her face bright red, "we got distracted." "we?" sarah asked, staring at alistair accusingly, who was already bright red. "y-yeah."

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The Last Fight

"yes red, we better get back down stairs." red is tall and muscular, he has golden fur and grey, blue eyes. he is wearing a leather jacket and leather pants, he is twenty three.

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Mr. Saturday

The crossing light lit up, turning the perpendicular lanes red. we crossed to the old french quarter. i loved these old buildings.

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Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 3

The sea is slowly gaining teeth, the sky glowers red. we are in for a rough trip soon." captain tilson said. "keep off the shipping lanes." ahmeh stressed slow and deeply. i thought i caught a glitter in those emerald eyes.

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team R&T VS M.A.R.C.H final battle

, we won" tsume said whipping a tear from her eyes" as red looked to her and smirked "before i forget..."

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Fruit Salad, yummy yummy

Blue squeaked, face flush with red. "we were already gonna strip you know..." said cream, in a teasing chastise. "but then where's the fun in that, my little prey?" anon smiled a very toothy smile.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 6

"so," kval pressed on the brakes at a red, "we got a flute, a hand-held, and...who's that third person sitting behind me again?" "ket!" the girls said, "what are you getting from santa claus?"

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 3

"red we have a problem." "what?" "there's only one bed, well more of a mattress." red looking in and yes there was a large comfy floor mattress and a decent closet. "i'll go and see if there is another room." red yawns and grabs alexis.

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 3

"red we have a problem." "what?" "there's only one bed, well more of a mattress." red looking in and yes there was a large comfy floor mattress and a decent closet. "i'll go and see if there is another room." red yawns and grabs alexis.

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Red's Adventure (6) - Brock's Challenge

Said red. "we can take anything you throw at us!" charmander nodded vigorously in agreement. "i admire your enthusiasm. but don't think that will save you. you haven't seen anything yet." with that, brock threw his poke ball.

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A Dragon's Tale Genesis-Chapter 2-The Recovery Job

As the light turned red,we quickly strapped on our helmets. they were jet black,with built in slots for electronic noise reduction ear muffs and a pair of custom goggles came with them.

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Venturing: Siren’s Cal

The brown spots adjacent to the red. we gaze at the two paints. then slowly rose our eyes to the walls that surrounded us. slowly, it had made sense somehow. "there is something else too."

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