Behind The Lens Character Profiles: Pt. 1

His favorite genre are dirty romance novels but will read anything that catches his eye. he is in contact with some of his family back in romania, and constant contact with his mother who lives in the states with him.

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No End, No Beginning

She was curled up on her usual spot on the sofa, reading from yet another of her seemingly endless supply of romance novels. "hey, hun." she lowered the book, thumb stuck in the page, and twisted a bit to look up at him.

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Artful Blood Chapter 1: Rain

This is a romance novel i've been wanting to do for some time and only till now have i had the influence to write it on a cold rainy night down a dripping ally way an unsuspecting soul would be met with a horrible fate.

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Horsin' Around With His Mum 4

She marks her place in her own book--a steamy romance novel about a shipwrecked virgin falling in love with the pirate queen who saves her life--and sets it aside on the plush arm of her chair. "how's reading going?" "eh." he half-shrugs.

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Murder at the Speed of Life. (Part 1) My Name is "Friend"

._" but apart from that one slip, her romance novels were brimming with love and weddings, windsor ties, betrayal and mended hearts.

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Lynn's Discovery

But so far all she had found were sappy, drippy romance novels about the 'bad-boy' and the innocent young maiden who is seduced into a life of crime until, of course, he turns over a new leaf and poof! everything is wonderful.

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Lost in your Eyes - Chapter 4

He heard frantic stomping, the door to the warehouse swung open as the brown horse stood there in the light, like the hero from a romance novel. spencer looked down at the blood on the floor, and the red splotch on his jeans on his ass.

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Hedgehog Infinitum

The cheesy gay romance novels he'd enjoyed recently, with tigers falling for foxes and wolves for huskies lingered on his mind.

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Black Ice

Her eyes drew one in like a clichéd romance novel, set in her face like chips of ice: a pure, clear blue. that was 'my' sam. she hated her name, a true tomboy at heart. stumped by the prior question, which had been lost by my mind, i smiled like a goon.

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The Centaur's Mare - Teaser

He was a large, muscular man, shoulders and muscles the size you always see on romance novels for women. it was all there, large, rippling biceps and triceps and muscles she couldn't even name were playing under his skin with the faintest of movements.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 37)

And that sappy romance novel... hypothetically, it's rather obvious why that piqued my interest now.

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Curling Up With A Good Book

It was suzette's darkest secret, one that had her constantly blushing and hiding in the back aisles of the library long after everyone else had left and the doors had been locked, but she adored trashy romance novels.

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