The Story Teller Edge of the World Chapter 3

"i can" "you can smell the blood of the people around you, you know when they are ill days before they do and you know if food is spoiled without needing to taste it." "yes." "can you identify a coin by touch alone?" "yes."

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Digging In

He felt a bit dizzy as he took an open chair, it was only twelve, and the bear should've been at work... but he had used today as a sick day.

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€you’ve been working hard i think it’s time you had a little break and also your foxy boyfriend wouldn’t stop asking me so you both will have tomorrow and the weekend off don’t worry about sick days either†the horse filled his cup with water and

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Decades - Chapter Four

If we're gonna save up the money we need to get sadie that bike for christmas, and that rc car robbie's been drooling over every time the commercial comes on the tv, i can't afford to lose any of my bonus on sick days.

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Jeremy 019; Not By Chance

That evening jeremy called in to the gym and took his first sick day since the fight. his father was more than happy to help him with a resume.


So You've Just Become a Weresquirrel

Your skeleton will be in good shape, and you'll never have to take a sick day again. which is good, because you're probably going to want to use those sick days on nights where the moon is full, especially if you work a late shift.

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Tale 8-1 - Subconsciously Swollen

He'd already taken too many sick days recently. he couldn't afford to take another one without getting in trouble. even if he was in the condition he thought he was in. maybe he could hide it throughout the day and go to the doctor after.

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A romantic night

Ravea blushes, "so i took a couple sick days to... relieve the pressure. i'll be here through monday." cele pops a shrimp into her mouth, "i was already too late by the looks of things." ravea's scales tinge more red, "i.

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I haven't used any sick days this year, and i was wondering if..." "yes, go ahead." on autopilot while my nose dragged my mind along for the ride, the response was bland and professional.

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Holiday in Sugar Cane IV

For several long minutes he stared at the small frame clinging to him until he remembered that they both would soon be missed and someone would come looking for them, they had much work to do and there was no such thing as a sick day in the eyes of the clan

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Zeke; a love story

Sometime in his seventies, zeke had his first sick day. a heart attack dropped him in the fields. luckily, a passerby had seen him fall from the tractor. zeke recovered, but not without damage. he was too incapacitated to ever work again.

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Annivoresary (vore story)

"good thing we both got our sick day, hun." nathan continued. "huh? oh, yeah. the other times were on the weekend, right? and today's monday." dylan replied. "i wonder how to tell my boss about my 'sickness' tomorrow."

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