Halo: RODST (Chapter One: Mission Complete)

I've never been on the _liberation_ during space-combat so i wouldn't know, but she has always been there to come back to, so something has to be going right. she also has a massive reactor room.

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Star Fox, Leon's Legend (Part 3)

"wait- this fighter is only for space combat!" "that's right, we'll be giving it back to the military once they finish assembly of your own arwing..." peppy called over the pa. leon rolled his eyes and jumped in the large white spacecraft.

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The Galactic Civil War Pt1

battle, we'll have to find more like him" the bear said to m'ress, she nodded.

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Shattered Glass Chapter 13: History Repeats Itself

With the destruction of their capital ship the humans fled from the space battle, some back to the planet, and some into the void.

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The Parts that Make Us - Chapter 1

Pilots had been almost entirely phased out of space combat centuries ago, instead replaced by fleets of drones that were deployed from fleet carriers. it allowed a couple dozen crew to effectively field an entire fleet.

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Spyro and Cynder destiny Ch.1

space battles took place over antarctica, the north pole, the pacific ocean, and a few other places that lost there names to the war. * * * time: 1:30am, 1 month before the jump into the dragon realm. system: fore runner planet: earth.

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Shadow Stalkers: Jinx Pt. 6

He had also survived ieds in the field of battle and being shot up by enemy boarding parties during deep space combat.

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MSBA- Abduction

In short msba stands for "multiplayer space battle arena." basically take games like league of legends, dota2 and smite and try to run them from the perspective of the champions with my usual brand of craziness.

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Gingerbread Man: 2109: Prologue and The Awakening

His unit had been the third to have been dropped off on m3, the third planet in the mendall star system, to check for the presence of any remaining soriss forces left behind after the last space battle.

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Captain's Chair

"again, we just survived this big space battle? that was plenty exciting, don't you think?" lee went on, oblivious to the sarcasm. "okay, yeah, but this is something else that we can do!

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Zero Point: Chapter 4- Downtime

A huge blaster cannon was mounted on a turret of sorts... that much she knew by maloc's explanation on outer space battles. the vehicle's purpose dawned on her... it was military. a light attack transport, she wagered.

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