The Prince of Arkea

A loud sigh of relief could be heard from geb and the color that had long faded had soon come back in full, bright blues and greens filling the caverns, the waters glowing and new bugs flying through, cleaning away the remainders of cobwebs and making the

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Tails of The Walking Dead: Prologue - Chapter 6

"well, the good news is that all of the shrapnel seemed to pass through cleanly." she smiles and starts wrapping his leg up in fresh bandages. he smiles, relieved. "that's good to hear, then."

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The Long, Cold Dark, Chapter VII: Glory and Gore

Passed through cleanly. got lucky there, guy," i said, inspecting the wound closely. "can you move your arm?" guillam tested it tentatively, grimacing in pain as he swiveled his arm a little this way and that. "sure.

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Craigslist Bull Part 4 Take A Walk On The Wild Side

She rolled off of him and lay on her back panting from the almost continuous orgasm she'd been through. "clean up time cucky."

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Here, There Be Dragons - Ch. 5 - Catbulgar and a Stowaway

She did not make it through cleanly, the fan clipping her and sending alison into a tumble. her cat form recovered, but now her arm ached with a heavy bruise and a bit of blood from the impact, dotting her purple top and black fur.

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Fey Vengeance

One passed through cleanly, taking his leg off at the hip, and he screamed despite himself. the other, though, lodged in his chest and slammed his broken body three seconds later against the nearest standing tree - a quarter mile away.

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Revelations-Chronicals of Onyx

He let a smile slowly creep over his face as he wobbily stood and went to the bathroom to take a shower, throughly cleaning his fur, then going up to his room and sleeping more comfortably than he had in a long while.

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Serenity Base pilot part 1

'i see you all made it through clean. well, more of less.' lena steps up behind them, her eyes flicking to amy. 'i guess i should have mentioned cobalt might have put in traps to slow us down. good thing i knew a short cut.

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Mirror, Mirror

. \*\*\* the translator, it seemed, had been hit in the leg, but the bullet passed through cleanly. k considered his missing the target to be the fault of the gun, rather than his aim. it was in terrible condition, after all.

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A Tale of Two Kobolds, Chapter 2

When she was through cleaning up after their dinners, he called her over to him. "kix, come here please."

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His Step Dad's Trophy Son

Some part of him was still fighting to convince the rest of him that things wouldn't go any further than a 'through' cleaning but it was rapidly losing the fight as more and more of him gave over to the surety of his step dad's ministrations... his

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