Pim Chapter Seven and Eight

Pim said remembering how stingy his own parents were. pony felt for the whip, which was there the left side knife was gone but he still had the other one, "darn, i lost it somewhere, well twenty-six more now!"

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Kingdom Hearts: The Path of the Heart Episode 1: An Unexpected Journey

They obviously had to be ponies for sure, all other sentient life were ponies so far. the way princess celestia was talked about, it seemed like she was benevolent ruler of this land.

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Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia - Chapter 1

They were ponies of a different sort straight from steam bolt himself. sleek black armour glinted in the early light, covering every inch of their bodies. it was curved and rounded, like an insect.

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The Taste Of Grass

_they were ponies now_, she often had said. they were ponies now, and they would be forever, for the rest of their lives. this was so. she had accepted this completely. caprice had embraced it! there was nothing else to be done. alexi could do this too.

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A Renegade Reborn - Pt2 - Space Grass

Both staff members were pony-sized horses, one male, one female. "my what what? indent geofence? i don't like indents, i like using spaces when i type." "indentured service geofencing perimeter as specified in your contract.

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A Renegade Reborn - 2 - Space Grass

Both staff members were pony-sized horses, one male, one female. "my what what? indent geofence? i don't like indents, i like using spaces when i type." "indentured service geofencing perimeter as specified in your contract.

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An Affliction of the Heart

She knew that there were ponies who were pretty bad off in the world, but she had never really interacted with them on any personal basis. she had always targeted happy homes, where the love was strongest.

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Between Rainbows and Butterflies

So many of them were ponies i did not recognize. some were chatting while resting on benches, others were tossing horseshoes, and one couple even seemed to be napping under a tree. however, there was one pony i did recognize.

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I.D. INJECTOR DOE - That Indestructible Something

Most were ponies, a small number were diamond dogs or griffons, and all were easy to care for.

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Bedlam's Requiem

I recognized a few as ponyville natives i had seen time and again over the last year, but most were ponies i had never seen before.

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Friendship Is Optimal: Caelum Est Conterrens

Uplifts were ponies that had chosen to constantly have themselves altered, which made them change and grow, until they were almost like celestia herself. some called them angel ponies. "dirty hooves... show love?"

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