The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 8 A Warrior Born

A second elevator rose up, this time carrying the unmistakable form of an m1a1 abrams main battle tank. once more, jake drew a bead on the tank, aiming between its turret and hull.

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Cold as Steel (A Flexible Survival Fan Fiction) Teaser

We have multiple wounded being cared for at this time, but it looks like we lost one abrams and several l.a.v.s. whatever hit this area knew what he hell it was doing-_ _-any signs of the contagion?-_ _-roger.

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Pepper VS Temptation - Part 12

"no visual on the weapons platform," abrams said over the intercom, interrupting us. "fall back and guard the med bay," charlie said. "yes ma'am," abrams said.

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The Gate-Way: Chapter 8 – A Warrior Born

A second elevator rose up, this time carrying the unmistakable form of an m1a1 abrams main battle tank. once more, jake drew a bead on the tank, aiming between its turret and hull.

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RSH- Invasion

Everything appeared clear until the abrams turned the corner, sliding to a stop in the mud. a bradley armored personnel carrier sat off to one side, still smoking lightly.

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Chapter 5

Our current orders were to wait for the m1 abrams tank column, which consisted of about six tanks. since then, we have waited here for three hours. three hours! and the rain wasn't heaping the situation either.

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My First Story Pt2 The Start of a New War

It was at least 3-4 m1a1 abrams, 7-8 apc stryker's, and 10-15 humvees. "well that's a scouting force isn't it." that was my sgt. "ya, well got to be cautious right." i replied "by sending practically all of our armor and men."

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Tennesee Campaign

Our current orders were to wait for the m1 abrams tank column, which consisted of about six tanks. since then, we have waited here for three hours. three hours! and the rain wasn't heaping the situation either.

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Pepper VS Temptation - Part 2

Hoping the pain abrams had felt only applied to when the crystals were part of the webwork, i touched one of the crystal shards we'd managed to knock loose.

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Empire: Chapter 3-Battle DC

We moved up behind two humvee's and an abrams m1 that were clashing with a few uwr panzer mk5's and recon units, which seemed like a pretty fair fight, all things considered.

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The Dead Among Us (Chapter 4: Smitten)

We've got two abrams tanks, and maybe six or seven bradleys, but maybe a platoon's worth of drivers. ridiculous, right?i walk past jack at some point, and catch his tail playfully.


Pepper VS Temptation - Part 15

Boom, abrams, and gillon walked past us into the control room. "once the spectral thief thing is over, alphonse is planning a marathon for a fun show he just started getting into.

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