The Greatest Disgrace - Respect

But if my daughter did betray the alliance, i need to know where she is.

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One such dispute came up within the alliance, the bovorg, and the xilfir. these other alliance styled governments had never joined the alliance for fear of losing their heritage.

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Chosen: Chapter Five

Keep me away from the alliance." tuck surveyed her. tayna wondered if the distrust would ever completely melt from his eyes. yet she knew, in her heart, that she didn't trust the two of them either, even if they had saved her from the alliance.

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2:5 Embassies of The Underground

I don't work with the alliance anymore! i go where the money is, and they don't have it! they don't even exist anymore!" edgar wailed. "hets wouldn't go through old alliance channels anyway!" this caught the fox off guard. it didn't make sense.

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Salvaged Ch. 5: Shared Understandings

_"as of 0922 hours yesterday, standard time, the alliance council has granted full and unrestricted alliance citizenship to all kryyjh refugees in alliance space.

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Avenger: Chapter Five

He had been effectively convicted by the alliance media long before the trial ever began. when it finally did, he found himself before an alliance tribunal rather than a tesgno one and being charged with breaking alliance protocol.

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10KLY2: Chapter 7

"mr press secretary," felix called, striding toward his office, "it's the captain of the delta alliance." felix met him at the door. "here are my alliance credentials, sir," he said, handing them over.

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The Devil May Care 49

Tags: no sex, gluttony, greed, heaven, sloth, tiger, elephant, boar, pig, bear, various species, demons, alliances, politics, economy, series, modern fantasy,

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Unresolved Paths (Chapter 1 - Revised)

For all purposes, my pack's authority supersedes anything the patrol and the alliance's have over me as a citizen of the alliance.

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Soldiers Of The Furry Kind Volume 1 Part 1

For a few years whilst under the alliance vertex attacked earth ferociously with their own star ships and augmented soldiers. our forces at the time took heavy casualties and it was from this that the alliance began its own super soldier's projects.

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Jon Mahon Christmas Special

And the billy alliance decided they would make a machine that harnessed the power of jon mahon's illegal nuclear farts to blast a hole in the party house and get out so the billy alliance with the help of nuclear alex constructed a machine and inserted

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