
Magic By Reian 2-18-2010 For Thursday Prompt 2-18-10: Painting Rei sat on the hill, waiting. It was late in March and she was finally done with everything. It was now just her life, her prerogatives, and her wanting to life positively. That is...

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Strawberries and Big Boobs Pt. 8

Cytheria woke up and looked around. Her bedroom was a mess and her body ached all over. The dingo woman brought a paw up to her head and closed her eyes tight, trying to remember what exactly had happened. Had she been raped? She turned her...

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Mission Pertinent

Red light flashed as one Lt. Coal ran down the ship's corridor, attempting to get to the escape pods. His captain had instructed the grey fox to get to the surface at all costs, he did have information that could turn the tide of the war after...

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Cousins in Lust

Firen watched his cousin bustle around the kitchen. Her long lavender hair flowed down her neck, framing her face nicely. Her pinkish fur was spotted with the large cloud spots that was from her leopard side. A picture flashed in his mind of his...

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Experiments in Sex

Jorge straightened his shirt out as he finished walking up the stairs to this unfamiliar door. He had been set up on a blind date with someone name Anette and he just was not sure what to expect. So far, it was interesting. Typically women took...

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The Continual Growth of Abby

Abby was in her workout room, settled onto a bench that was recessed into the floor so that she didn't bang the weights on the ceiling. At the sound of footsteps, the husky's ears pricked. Racking the weights, she sat up and looked towards the...

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Magic of the Dress

Racks and racks of clothes filled the consignment shop. Layne looked around, his bright blue eyes filling with joy. There certainly would have to be something here for him to wear to the drag ball this weekend! He knew many of the men would go out...

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[Breast Cancer Awareness Month] Lily's Ribbon pt. 1

Lily sat on her college dorm room bed. It was the day after her mother's funeral and she still didn't want to go to classes. The professors understood for the most part, most of them also having been touched by breast cancer in their...

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Don't Even Attempt to Trick Her

Thursday Prompt 9/30/10 Reian 10/3/10 Don't Even Attempt to Trick Her "I only accept silver as payment," I said quietly to the person across the table. We were in the back corner of some underground bar. I had received a message from this...

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Showing them Up

Showing Them Up Reian Thursday Prompt 5-14-2010 I flopped down on the grass, the first hour of my training was done. I had gone through all the basic classes and now I was going for my National Firefighter Certification; and it is a whole new...

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Lynn's Beach Adventure Pt. 3[Commission]

Lynn allowed herself to be dragged out to sea by Jake, she still in shock from the whole situation. Her eyes could see Becky disappearing in the distance, could feel Jake's claw tightly grabbing her arm, but her mind just wasn't processing the...

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Vacations for more than expected

Ah, Hawaii, Fenrari thought as he laid on the beach. He always loved the warm weather and cool water mixture that tropical islands produced. He sipped on a bright red drink with a lime floating at the top. The breeze that blew by made his light grey...

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