In Another Life Pt. 2

"How are you liking Kor so far?" Ambassador Mavin asked as she tucked in her chair. The vixen was an older grey fox with some white fur lining her muzzle and crow's feet. Liolyn took a seat at the dining table with her. Mavin was treating her to lunch...

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Your Dog, The Student

"Weird being back here," Keaton whispered, as if he needed to be quiet for the empty office. Riley shut the door behind them. "Dunno if I've ever seen this place so cleared out." "Usually it's pretty empty in the summer, but with everyone working...

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Rewriting History: Age of Calamity Smut Fic

"You mean you two have never--" Teba clamped his beak. The tall, stoic Rito warrior anything but, feathers standing up as he held up his arms, "Now hold on, I didn't mean to ruffle your feathers, Revali." "Please, I'm disgusted more than anything,"...

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In for a Penny

Sebastian stood before the bathroom mirror, hip cocked with a bottle of wine resting against his thigh. It wasn't some oversized thing of Yellow Tail, but a merlot an ex of his used to drink. Still, the rabbit's half-hard cock dropped the length of...

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What Angelo Wants and What Angelo Needs

Sleeping in. Sunlight peeked through Drew's curtains and woke him. The lean, athletic snow leopard stretched, back arching, toes wiggling beneath the sheets sleep-kicked to his ankles. Another night of nightmares--though, this time he did not recall...

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"Always Near My Dear" Extended

A full moon always drew me out on wistful walks. The Tumamoc Hiking Trail wasn't far, and at night the whole, rocky hillside emptied out. I liked that. Just the quiet of coyotes, the occasional brush of air, the sharp chill biting my ankles. I had...

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"Always Near My Dear"

A full moon always drew me out on wistful walks. The Tumamoc Hiking Trail wasn't far, and at night the whole, rocky hillside emptied out. I liked that. Just the quiet of coyotes, the occasional brush of air, the sharp chill biting my ankles. I had...

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Breaking the Father

"You going to cum for me, kitten?" Husk growled in Nimble's ear. The blushing cheetah was crushed into a bed of animal skins by Husk's larger bulk. The hyena laid across his back, a finger working in and out of Nimble's cum-slick asshole. The yeen's...

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In Another Life Pt. 5

The prince did not return before Liolyn did. Sirtas opened the great marble doors of his lab for her, and she entered small like a rodent in a house of cats. By now her knowledge of the lab made it easy to navigate. There was the antechamber into...

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From Trainer to Breeder

Samael bit his bottom lip, fangs pinched to his dark lips. The red-maned bat watched himself in the mirror sliding door that made up his closet. His bedroom had turned into a mess of heaped clothes and forgotten sex toys. One, a vibrator, he had...

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Quizzed By an Aspiring Succubus -- A Scourge Standalone

Sepulcher of Midnight, like each of the Emerald Cities, had a school dedicated to training mages. The Asher Institute of Magic was one of the older schools, modest in size and founded by a dragon and the Asher family's financial backing. Mages far and...

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Becoming a Good Boy

Sometimes jobs go wrong. I wasn't mad at my crew for that. I was mad at myself for getting caught, hauled paw over foot into the back of a cop car in a muzzle and cuffs. Now I waited in a small, dingy interview room, cuffs still on and looped into the...

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