
The bloodlines of the upper families are richer with magic than most, so the high tethereds who are born into the upper families are extremely powerful in consideration to most others.

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Miranda's Ognesha Memories 1

"after all, there isn't another noble in anteronia whose bloodline can be traced to the warlands beyond the sea. "indeed, mistress," says the other maids. ognesha hops up to her feet, stomping through the small sitting room.

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Draykan's Anteronian Aftermath 3

"the purity of draconic bloodlines!" "i'm a dragon." "not one hundred percent!" he stops, narrowing his gaze, showing off his teeth. "what are you talking about?"

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Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - Revelations

#15 of castlevania: tammy nook's reign anon learns the truth about what had happened in the past, and the origins of his ancestry and bloodline. now it's time to finally put an end to the curse.

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Seth Uchiha Background, WIP (Not looking for criticism, just to let people know how Seth was raised)

Naturally however, the cold didn't affect him as much as it did other citizens and shinobi, this was because of his bloodline, the uchiha bloodline always produced a fire-based chakra nature which kept their bodies warmer than most, and depending on their

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Open Season Chapter 51: Storm-Front

"it's not something she likes to talk about, her mother seems to thing she's some kind of 'brood mare' to foist off on some aristocratic fellow 'blue-blood' to keep the bloodlines 'pure.'" i said with a note of disgust in my voice.

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Purity of the Feline Part 1

Supposing that the bloodline of rodents is supposed to be the strongest, and the bloodline of felines is supposed to be the weakest, many are questioning your claim to house phillipus, let alone the throne.

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Veyyr - A Wife's Duty

My lineage is as close to royalty as tzajii has known for centuries, and you are the founder of a new bloodline, not to mention the inheritor of t'rol.

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Watcher of Arceus - Path of the Immortal Chapter 3

That was the day that he died, that my bloodline died inside." thomas stated, slowly, taking many long pauses as he went, barely a whisper.

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The Darkfang Curse

"my eye... it shall be the sign of my curse on your damned bloodline." the wolf felt his left eye begin to ache, feeling like it was suddenly rotting from the inside out.

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Whelp & Enki

The quick defense meant his guilt but she didn't mind his instinctive approach to arcania, "hehe, don't fret boy, it's only natural for a born magi to do what they do." she revealed concerning his draconic bloodline.

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[SNEAK PEEK] Infiltration's Epilogue

I had no idea i had someone from the illustrious firestick bloodline in my battery room," the skunk continued, brushing off his question as he slowly traced his fingers over a chrome-plated visor on the desk."

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