For Science!

He braced his upper body on the boulder, and then pushed onto his rear legs, balancing after a precarious moment. gripping the boulder tight, hugging it to his chest, he squatted low, and with a might hoist, managed to pick the boulder up.

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Why does it always have to be hyenas?

boulders of all sizes, huge and small, filled the meandering corridor. they varied in color as much as they differed in patterns.

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Sight of the Heart Part VIII

"my name is amy kibosaru and i am here for the boulder badge." a spotlight snaps on and teenager is sitting on a boulder, he has dark skin, spiky brown hair, and eyes so narrow they almost appear to not be open.

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Gold Fever chapter 3

" uh, _ **boulder kit?** _" becka asked. "yup that has the come-along some anchor spikes, chain, drilling hammer and cable net to move boulders out of our way to get the gold that settled under them when they were sitting in the flow of the river."

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Mega Trainer Chapter 5

I threw it at the boulder and ran behind it. it hit the boulder with a loud thud, a crack forming on the surface. my spiked fist hitting the same point sealed the deal, the crack splitting wider as the boulder began to fall to pieces.

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He was hitting the boulder with a thick branch he had apparently gnawed off of a nearby tree, but as the dragon's head slid over the curve of the boulder, he dropped the branch and took a step back.

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A Boy and His Lucario Part 6

The geodude was sent flying into a boulder with a loud crash on impact. when the dust cleared, geodude had punctured the boulder and was lying on the ground knocked out. the official raised the flag on john's side.

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Slut of the Wild: A Lynel to the Past

The hero coughed as his air was cut off and the lynel slammed him into the face of a nearby boulder three times the size of nock.

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End of Time - Session 1

He slumped down and fell over on top of the boulder with a groan. "danny," jonathan yelled as he hopped from his boulder over to his friend. he knelt down and cradled the wolf in his arms. "stay with me, danny." "johny?"

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The Life and Times of Brandon Firestone Pt2

Brandon turned around just in time to see marcus hurl a large boulder heading straight towards him. brandon surprisingly jumped over the boulder, but before he could ask how he did it another rock hit him on the head. "ouch..."

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[Pejeverdo] Test Drive

The sergal followed his master's commands blindly, as he panted and blushed in arousal, lifting his tail and resting on the boulder.

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Romance Rumours and Rocks

_Another little slice-of-life in the City of Wings._ _Inspired by a comment on the last story._ _(2,795 words)_ --- * * * Caden stood at the side of the school field, watching the morning bustle. It was still early enough that bright floodlights...

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