Zootopia movie script: Zootopia SWAT act 4

We'd be talking co-ordination on a syndicate level, we'd know someone was behind this by now if the stuff was dispersed the way you need to get a contagion in the air. scene: judy turns from the board.

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Two Lips

He was sure he'd still be needed, regardless of contagion. they always had trouble finding staff. but he doubted it would be as busy. his hours would probably be down.

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Canimorphs: The Corona

That is, of course, until we realised there was an airborne contagion flying about in the research lab. at first, no one gave it any mind. no one_ appeared_sick._ _"except..."_ _"except what?"_ hamel sighed heavily.

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From Forgotten Depths: Chapter 1- The Beta Incident

Those only seal automatically under certain outbreak conditions, and this doesn't look like a contagion containment protocol." there was an odd several seconds of scratchy static on the end line before the general responded.

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The Cycle

These communes had been set up by humanity in an effort to still control the contagion that was known as the 'circe virus', back when the plague was the thing and everyone was afraid of being infected.

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Last of the Lycans 9

His eyes watered trying to get the contagion out of them. he blinked several times and tried to penetrate the haze, but couldn't. it was hard even to breath.

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Chapter 56 - A Piece of the Goddess

As if infected with her contagion, link busted up laughing with her. merin came back downstairs having bathed and put ashley to bed and watched with eyebrows raised at the two manically laughing whackos, "sheikahs have humor?" she asked flatly.

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Infection 6

Whirling around and pointing one of her air cannons at me el said "you and i both know that the contagion isn't air-borne, it is transferred through blood and other bodily fluids, and in a living subject it takes twenty four to seventy two hours to kill then

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Pokerus FX: Lucas

Its through her that most people know what to expect if they catch it, and thankfully she's not contagions at this point. she was wearing store uniform as well as a collar that marked her as a pokérus victim rather than a wild pokémon.

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Companions Ch. 42

"i can only hope that mourne has contained the contagion that your kind spread." "hello, thaddeus," said a familiar voice behind him. the anthraun turned around and received a powerful right hook to jaw.

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FiFi's Revenge

The contagion pooled first in the most stimulated portion of the man's body, his straining loins, and the change began there.

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