A Fireside Bargain

Did one of you cum on one of darian's napkin doodles again?"

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Enter the Chimera

Our team of expert investigators and reporters have been thorough and exemplary in their quest for the truth, darian.

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A red letter day

If you want me to change something, tell me and i won't do a thing in loving memory of darian mar died in collision with a van thursday june 8th 2017 student of sgs asked me to write this


Worlds Apart, Part 2

The darkness was on the verge of defeat, it was then that darian came to us and gave us the sacred tomes, charging us with their safety until needed again.


The Beauty in His Breaking

darian rapped his knuckles upon the glass, startling the dragon. he jumped and stumbled, almost falling flat on his muzzle as the chain between his ankles pulled taut, catching himself in the nick of time. "open," darian instructed, his tone cool.

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Always Check The Packing Slip P4

On the other side of town was darian and those who would be highly mobile; instead of spreading their roots and infecting the surrounding area, they would spread out and create more hotspots and prevent anyone from containing them.

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Last stand

darian mar - helped me with writing and encoding stories

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Very Important Lycanthrope - Day 5

"i do believe introductions are in order though; cal and lily you've already met of course, next to them is darian and his lovely wife, issile.

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El Temor de Vertigo

Tenían extracto de los "dioses" y gordman sabia que le darian la fuerza para derrocarlos, empezando por vertigo. se tomo una pastilla y espero... espero...

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Worlds Apart Part 3

Ours is the only bloodline in this world that can take this form, it was a gift that came from our alliance with darian black so many cycles ago." "yes arial," he said, as if reading her mind, "it is within your power."

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Balance Of Power CH 7

Cynder asked "much to the surprise of everybody else, only darian and liam knew about us.

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