The Digimon Wars Chapter 9 Going Amok

''virusagumon warp digivolve too!'' ''piyomon warp digivolve too!'' ''virusmetalgreymon!'' ''garudamon!'' katie took lilymon and tailmon on her hand and flew after michael. tailmon asked katie. ''where is this paris?'' ''it's in europe!

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Digilove Chapter 5

Then suddenly flamedramon touched something golden and began to digivolve. dusk's face lost all color. "the digiegg of" he whispered while being horrified.

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Ayame's Chronicles- A Change on the Wind, Part 2

"i was, until you helped me digivolve. and i have to admit, i am seriously liking the wings!" he flaps his wings for emphasis and causes her to giggle a little, "these things are awesome!" "glad you like them.

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A Chance Encounter

"i'm so exhausted, i'm surprised i haven't de-digivolved." "i'm not so sure materia-mon wants us to de-digivolve..." flamedramon thought for a moment as the other two listened. "he said we lacked the passion to fight...

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Solipsism IV

**(break)** after some searching, we found that parking structure where terriermon would digivolve. my problem was that i knew i'd be involved, and i had to make sure he did digivolve, or the continuity would start to break on me.

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 20

\*jumps out of the way\* terriermon: wyatt its time to digivolve wyatt: right digi-modify! digivolve! terriermon took shape of gargomon gargomon: gargo lasers! the flurry missed garurmon. then he pounced on gargomon.

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The Digimom Wars Continued Chapter 7 Tricks

Easy, it's propably what granted me the power to digivolve into- aaaaaahh!!!'' michael had ripped the device off of him, leaving his arm with a huge scar and some minor bleeding. he looked at tyler.

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Digital for His Pleasure

Gabumon resisted the urge to digivolve, he wanted wargreymon to feel him like this, but nothing ever said he couldn't cheat his cock size and he focused the energy of his digivolving into that instead. "ahhh! ffff!" wargreymon's voice tapered off.

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 14

digivolve! terrimon glowed his viberant yellow and took form of gargomon gargomon: gargo lasers gargomon had shot renamon out of the air matt: oh two can play this game! renamon your master orders you to digivolve!

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 11 What Just Happened?

I have digivolved in anger and revenge, katie has always digivolved when she wanted to help me.'' michael looked straight at tom. ''i have also a reason to believe that the digimon we transform into resemble our deeper emotions and personalitys.

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 12 Chance

Michael digivolved into his blackwargreymon form when katie digivolved into hououmon. the battle against the evil queen would soon take place.   michael lead the battle, he was flying just above his troops.

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More episodes, more profits

"sora, quickly let me digivolve."** **after biyomon digivolved, her wounds were fully healed immediately. she digivolved back to biyomon and she was not injured anymore.

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