New kid on the job (1)

Just a bit of drowsiness... "calm now, aren't we?" fenrir whispered in his ear. a brief nod came afterwards. "now, i should explain the effects of alcohol in large quantities.

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Kabuto: The long awaited telling of my furry *prologue*

It was loud but still drowsy i feel asleep, i woke up later when my cage was getting pick up by a woman i didn't know.

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Sub & Dom

**sub i** he wakes below a familiar looming shadow and attempts a drowsy stretch, ears twitching as the leather's creak reminds the skunk he is bound down in a humble bow, just as a servant should be upon his master's return home.

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I Dreamt of Wasps - Chapter 18

Coupled with alva's warmth and drowsiness from whatever blair had given him, it didn't take long for him to fall into another stint of troubled sleep.

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Why Me? Chapter 1 - The Beginning of the End

She answers, starting to feel drowsy from the berries and her injury. "do you need anything mommy?" a childish female voice from beside me asks. it was my sister, crystal.

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Lean On Me

The rush of alcohol and the gentle touch pulling the tension from his shoulders put him at a susceptible state of drowsiness.

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After the Storm - Part 8 [The Assessment]

Ignatius' tone quickly shifted from proud to loathing tone as the charizard eyed the riolu who was just about to doze off before the surprise dispelled his drowsiness. "what was your contribution in the attack?" charlie was afraid he'd ask that.

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Bear Midriff

For now, he was content on getting some rest, already feeling the relief of being safe start to weigh down on him, making him drowsy, and without one more moments hesitation, he was back on his feet and making his way to the bedroom, turning off the bathroom

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Endless Love (Gabriel 2)

My eyelids open slowly, rubbing my drowsy eyes as i sit up, releasing a giant yawn. i look at my watch, the time reading 7:24 pm as i stand up stretching, deciding against cooking anything major and simply heating up a pre-made pizza.


Mowgli and the Plant

But mowgli no longer cared, the near airlessness of his prison was beginning to make the boy drowsy and with his penis strangely satisfied and lying limp against his stomach the mancub quickly went unconscious as the plant began to digest its meal.

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Too Safe

Jamie shook himself, shaking away his drowsiness, "what?" jamie replied. "why do you think we have to be here? the iraqi ain't gonna cause any problems."

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