"Beasts of Burden" by Sylvan Scott

Chosen by god and fate, he will one day rise to assume his father's throne in loyal support to their great emperor.

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Rituals by Water

{I beg your pardon but, since when did I swear my undying loyalty to you Cheiftess. Last time I checked I'm a free person and I didn't have to run my decisions by anyone. Now I trust you can find the door if not I'll find it for you.} He barked....

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Lost with Life Chapter 2

"i was lucky to have met her, it was almost like we met by fate." he added. "do you believe in fate?" link curiously asked him. "i'm not sure, maybe i was just lucky to have met her." dylan said before shrugging and standing up.

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I'm fated, my friends call me fox.... i'd like to think you'd call me fox too." "so not milkshake then?" she said with a wry smile. "not even smoothie. so, after all this excitement, how did the exam go?"

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The V8 purred deeply as the Cerberus made its way down the deserted mountain pass. Shafts of sunlight from the setting autumn sun glinted warmly from the polished chrome and made the chameleon paintjob ripple from red to deep blue as it swung lazily...

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Leopard Sugar - One night in the Camden Passage

This is my first attempt at yiff - Let me know how I did, or send me pictures! It was another quiet night in the Camden Passage club and Zodiac was sat at the bar nursing his 3rd babycham of the evening. He sighed softly and looked up at the...

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Hiding in the Rocks

\*\*\*_"Hiding in the Rocks" is part of a series of unrelated short-stories called "Death Befalls Her", in which various women are depicted in dangerous situations. Sometimes they survive, sometimes they die quick, and sometimes they die horribly. If...

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Siren in the Night

The same cruel fate that brought her to this terrible situation had saved her from it as well, and the more she realized it, the worse she felt. with a loud cry, she drops to her knees on the street.

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Lost in Dark Waters

\*\*\*_"Lost in Dark Waters" is part of a series of unrelated short-stories called "Death Befalls Her", in which various women are depicted in dangerous situations. Sometimes they survive, sometimes they die quick, and sometimes they die horribly. If...

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It's been another quiet night behind the desk; I've been working this show now for just over a month and tonight it comes to an end. Usually by now I'm bored by the performance, I know it off by heart. Each cue, each nuance, each fluffed line. Not this...

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Astoria (WIP)

The auditorium of the Astoria sounded like a warzone, 20,000 fans stamping their feet, cheering and singing for their homecoming kings. It was the last night of the tour and the band stood huddled in the stairwell just off stage, waiting for that...

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Deadpool (Part 1)

Deadpool: Population 896. Please Drive Carefully! The battered, dusty sign at the edge of the road exhorted. Deadpool, as stagnant as the abandoned millpond that gave rise to the town's name; a truck stop, row of shops and payphone in the middle of...

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