Lady in Roan

Lady in Roan by Von Krieger Tyler ground his teeth and did his best to ignore the noisy mare in the stall next to the one he was cleaning out. His girlfriend and her family were on vacation for a few days and he'd been paid to look after their farm...

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MLP Darkworld: Battle for the Crown

**MLP Darkworld: Battle for the Crown** Centuries, hundreds of years now, this cream colored beauty of a queen had stood over those she ruled as they looked up in yearning and desire, and why wouldn't they? She was ravishing, beautiful, gorgeous as...

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* * * "You've been toying with that piece of chicken for the past five minutes." The fox said softly, reaching out to still the hand of the dragoness sat opposite him. "I think it's probably already dead, you don't have to hunt it." "Oh, huh. ...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 66: The Consortium For Mutual Coexistence (Conclusion)

Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 66 The Consortium For Mutual Coexistence. (Conclusion)** Day 218 (evening) Dongo, Bess and Tess had me sign a few forms upon my entry to their little- extremely little group. "I thought you looked familiar!" Bess...

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Why can't people just entertain each other by conversation, thought experiments, and old-fashioned trash-talking? is there some of light-hearted nature to games that makes it easoer for people to communicate each other and share experiences?


Cloricia "Tex" Teixeira: Revival 6

It took some fighting, some injuries, some trash talking, but we made it and we are going to the next round! i couldn't be happier. we all cheered on the way to the locker room. "lets go mayors! lets go mayors!"

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Chapter 2: Confrontation

Jack, once he woke up some more, was as enthusiastic as he was with baseball, loudly exclaiming when he scored a point and trash talking the competition. 30 minutes later, a knock at the door signaled the arrival of the pizza.

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Inter-Galactic Wrestling

"_ rocksteady and bebop continued trash-talking leatherhead and wingnut, first from the ringside, and then right in their faces. the latter stood their ground as the former shouted in their faces, countering their trash-talk with some of their own.

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Told me that the shep was doing a lot of trash talking, focused in on parker, as if it were personal. it built up and, so far as i can tell, the other player said something that made the akita just explode." "what was said?"

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt6.

The lopunny laughs trash talking the blaziken as she avoids blaze's uppercut with a twist of her body in a most elegant midair pirouette growling at this blaze lashed out with a devastating kick leaving a flaming trail of fire passing above bunny as she narrowly

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At the Beach

They were the loudest of the bunch, constantly yelling at each other over the net and trash talking. it was all good natured, of course, and the they beamed at each other the whole time. twins. confident, sexy, athletic lion twins.

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College suggestions

One night the trash talking was about bull-dykes, or rather the really hard core lesbians out there. like usual, they didn't think i wasn't listening, now i was going to find out about girl fucking! "it's my toy.."

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