Clouds Of Light

The firefly swarms had grown since she'd closed them. they soared over her now in golden clouds, their light competing with that of the great white orb whose light she'd been bathing in.

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Night Whispers

No trace of the recent cake explosion remained, and from what she could see by the fireflies' glow, her fur was spotless.

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WWC: Listen to a song, then write a story and included at least three lines from that song.

firefly class. you can't miss it." maybe his eyes are wide. exit the warrior. today's tom sawyer. he gets high on you. and the energy you trade. the friction of the day.

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The Willow: Story One

The Willow: Story One It's like a curtain... she thought, her eyes wide and her hand over her mouth. Reaches the ground and everything. A rhythmic swishing filled the air around her, the sound of soft breezes weaving through the rope-like foliage...

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An Unknown Under Tale - Prologue

Feeling somewhat warmed for the first time in hours, he noticed the fireflies begin to flock around him, also seeking shelter from the rain it seemed.

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The Aces of Lylat, Chapter 3: No "I" in "Star Fox"

"fireflies got ya spooked, huh? it'll be eight against five! no way we'd lose to them, even if they are 'better' pilots!" "it's not the fireflies i'm worried about.

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Pt 2 - The Druid's Hut

The glow of the fireflies reminded him of that... of the frenzy, or the magic that had taken over those gnawed, gnarled bones that were once his friend.

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Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Act II - 07 - Let 'Em In

Of course, the one thing that prevented rainbow from being a perfect copy of firefly was one very important detail.

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The Tengu's Forest

As the voice spoke the image of a path with fireflies appeared in dominic's head, each of the bugs glowed with a light that seemed to outshine the sun.

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Drusilla | Part 2 [Comm]

From the act, a slew of sparks came from her appendages turning into what appeared to be small fireflies.

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Warmth of night

Crickets start to chirp around them, a firefly dances in the air aimlessly, glowing bright. " you hear them?" xion asks rhetorically, kapugen grins at his fox, leaning in and touching noses.

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