A Forest Territory

Cryalis whimpered everytime her tongue touched the bleeding area, and she nearly let out another roar of glee. was her catch great, or what?

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Friends, Always

The boy took it with glee, quietly munching on the delicious red fruit. "thank you, but aren't you hungry too?" the boy asked. "yeah, but i'll be fine! you gotta eat too!" he explained, drinking milk. "but don't you want anything from me?"


What We Call a Dreamweave

glee takes hold, and i do my best to control the usually uncontrollable. i succeed in making it curl into a loop, though i can't do my simple trick of tying it into a knot. still, the joy is undeniable and irrepressible: i can move my tail again.

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Hands on Testing

The scientist nodded with barely restrained glee and eagerly spread her thighs, then looked to the camera. "fertility test 1, session 1," she said, then turned back to her clone. "begin."

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Rocket Raccoon Comforted III

When rocket had shown her the artwork and doodles drawn by their human, the overwhelmed otter had had to supress a squeal at her and rocket wearing the iron man and war machine armor whilst rocket giggled with glee!

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Corrupting Amerilia: Chapter 3

Amerilia watched with a lust glazed glee as the doctor that had been meant to give her a check up gagged and sputtered around her massive dick.

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The Most Adorable, Softest and Sexiest of All

A strangled wail of glee escaped the vixen as she felt the lighter male's weight slump against her, his face practically level with hers as tommy's eyes bulged and his cheeks glowed crimson.

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Modern Times in Durik: Sake with a Bakedanuki

Flint and rorark looked on in glee and hunger as they watched the tanuki god pierce manik with his cum-covered rod.

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The Prat in the Hat

The cat's ears perked up and he smiled with glee. "i was hoping you'd ask, that's why i'm here you see. i heard that some children were looking for fun and thought i could help, just ask anyone.

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Pan and Ferric Vore

Pan yelled, feeling the intense glee of someone so big sliding down his cock. each twitch of the muscles sent a spasm through his body. but wait... no!

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A Night with Blitzen

_" shakal roared in triumphant glee as another wave of hot cum hit him just below his chin, spraying up into his face and leaving him dripping when it trailed off, only for a fresh spurt to follow almost immediately in its wake.

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Night Above (By Jeeves)

She fought violently against his restraining touch, back arching and a muffled groan escaping from between their interlocked muzzles, but returned his lip-lock with glee.

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