The Best I've Been In Years

Sam's jaw dropped and gwen looked at me, shocked. "really?" gwen finally managed to say. i nodded.

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Open Season Chapter 49: Ghosts Of The Past

gwen exclaimed. "gods gwen, you're funny!" kel managed around her giggling. "yeah, but you know what they say...looks aren't everything." "sthoooop" kel giggled holding her side, "gods you're on a roll!" gwen nodded.

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Open Season Chapter 22: Magick in The Air

gwen inclined her head in kel's direction. "amazing." kel whispered. i _knew_magick was real." "as real as breathing." gwen nodded.

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Race Life Pt. 10

gwen walked up to me and gave me a hug, it didn't do much. i still felt awful sick inside, and i just wanted to fall down and rest. i was dead tired. pulling away from gwen, i said, "gwen, i need some air.

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An Intro to an Introvert

He didn't think as gwen guided him, instead silently listening to the noise of the background. by the time they reached gwen's room, he wasn't sure how much time had passed.

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Race Life Pt. 8

gwen said. we all walked to the door and gwen and i put our shoes on. we all thanked each other once more, giving out hugs. afterwards, gwen and i went to the truck and and headed back to the racetrack.

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Flying Mile High Chapter 19

gwen wiped away her tears, unfastened her shoulder harness and followed joe into the cabin. gwen gave a loud gasp at the site of the wrecked cabin. "right...gwen isn't it?" asked the dragon. gwen nodded her head at the simple question.

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A Garden Shed Moment

I watched with awe as his cock swung forward, brushing up against gwen's pussy, somehow leaving the thick glob attached to gwen.

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Chapter 3 - Man on a Mission

It turned out to be gwen. "i thought i might find you two here," she said as she strode toward them. jacob relaxed. "oh, hi gwen." gwen raised an eyebrow. "did i do something to piss you off?" "besides the mall, you mean?" he shook his head.

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Zara 7

gwen closed the door behind him as he walked over to the center of the room. as he did, he noticed the chill that gwen had referenced earlier.

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Ben 10: Charmed I'm sure

gwen said, "beside i think you could use a servant to help you around don't you think?" gwen teased. "tempting..."

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