Kissing Cousins

I can only imagine that setsuna's multibreast alteration and sakura's bust booster and hindu goddess style arms somehow came along with us while we merged.

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A Bump in the Road. Chapter Twenty-One.

Raksheesh sounded hindu, jinushigami was japanese i was sure and kim qui was korean? what the hell. and here i thought america could be a melting pot of different cultures. these guys seemed to be all the above in one giant ass dragon turtle, land-god.

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A Lesson in Desecration

She heard them berate those that followed the way of islam, those that followed hindu practices, those that went to the shrines of shinto, and more. they were surprisingly thorough in the number of lifestyles that they condemned.

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2593, Chapter 05

"yes, jeff is hindu, william is buddhist. the rest of us aren't religious." "and there's no conflict?"

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Fated Scales: Commands

Doran kept his joined hands in his lap, staring ahead, calm like a hindu cow. naturally, his detached attitude gave alex the jitters. it made him feel self-conscious, unprepared, out of place.

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a to z - Passersby

._ **veda** _aka_ " **banhi dubey**" (f., vole) **height:** 6", **weight:** 3 oz, **build:** mesomorph, **age:** 31, **hair/fur:** short yellowish-brown/yellowish-grey, **eyes:** black a middle-eastern immigrant hindu hero who possesses fire-control

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He rummaged through it and pulled out a small bottle labeled in hand written hindu script. the merchant who had sold it to him promised him it would repel any tigers away from him while he slept. he unscrewed the cap and took sniff! _phew!

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Operation Midnight Sun Prologue - Collaboration!

Pakistan was almost squeezed out by western bombardment from afghanistan and a wave of hindu hatred, but managed to hang on by sending large portions of its populace into the far, mountainous north and launching suicide attacks against indian forces--only

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Surface (Chapter 4)

- ancient hindu meditation tool. i'll pass. - hash? - a caliph used it to fool religious fanatics into sacrificing themselves over artificial paradises. not a compelling legacy. - shrooms?

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Cheetah's Always Prosper (Commission for Xilimyth)

"or am i some hindu goddess?" however, the changes were still not complete, despite the doubling of her arms and her mammaries. in fact, they were only starting.

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Deep Blue

He finally noticed her from above the pier as he flew overhead. Scylla was tied up to a pole, plunged so deep into the earth under the shallows that went back and forth between high and low tide between the shore and ocean that there was no way that...

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 8.5 - Extermination

_ _"apologies,"_ a voice came from off-screen, _"i wished to borrow that book of hindu myths, to help ojha-san.

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