A New Start As A Trainer/Chapter 31: A Story to Tell

Flygon could tell lexi was homesick...he even guessed lucas felt it at one point in time during his time here....but he had lucario to keep his mind busy so he wouldn't feel all that bad anymore.

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Chapter Four The Extraction

Shari told him about darin being homesick and that it was time for them to go home. kenketia agreed with shari and began preparing a spell that would send the boys back home.

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He was dreadfully homesick and worried about his family's safety, but, all he could do just for the moment was keep them in his prayers and ask god to protect. "don't worry, i will come back. i swear it." john whispered and rolled over.

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Fifty Shades of Tan: Meeting Playmates

"tahiti," i replied to him softly, and felt a small ripple of homesickness pass through me. "oh, my gods, really?!" roxanne was suddenly closer to me, looping an arm around me, and our thighs touched.

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The wolves and the sheep chapter 1: take

He recalled the earliest image that he could remember as a lamb- his mother - that thought always made him feel safe when he was depressed and homesick.

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The Blessing and The Curse - Part 2

The hardest part was over; getting through the first night, when i knew that the homesickness and fear of failure would be at its worst. smiling to myself, i turned the ds back on and continued my game.

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A Different Kind of Bonding; Part 2

Not even gone and you're getting homesick." syrana pointed out with a faint snicker. "i'm not homesick...i'm just...i've never really left before." he said, shrugged, and then turning forwards again and starting to walk.

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The Lost Lie (Chapter Two)

The wolf was homesick, and they had only left several hours ago. the feeling of dread that was starting to overcome him faded as his thoughts turned to ky. kale could hardly wait to meet him. and he already felt accepted by both him, and tobias.

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The Legend of the FinalGamer 6 - City Limits

"you homesick?" asked roy. "yeah...i haven't been able to focus much whenever i think of her. but she's all that keeps me going, the only thing motivating me to go home.

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Once Broken Draft 1 CH 30

Maybe because he was bored, or slightly homesick, he found himself heading to the town. on the way he noticed tristan was laying down stones for an alcove. who knew, maybe today was the day he'd be done. jacoby wasn't excited at the prospect.

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Army of Cuteness Part 2

I raised my head slightly and said, "you sound homesick, sunshine." my tail swished behind me with eagerness to find out more information about this place.

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What Universe Am I In??? Chapter 4: Nature's Angels.

Yellow happy pictures of home and family also swirled, portraying the homesickness i felt, but joy at good memories. blue was the sadness, the recent military funeral of my younger sister, an attack helicopter pilot, who was shot down in the war.

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