Life As It Is Ch.5

Sandra and kia appeared behind silnis, adorned in their own armor. kia wore more light leather armor, obviously blue and white for her element. and sandra wore a flowing cloth robe that was beautifully decorated with colorful designs.

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Enter the Ferret

The doe's name was kia, and the bunny's name was sara. they were both students at the university in the middle of their undergraduate studies, kia for art history, and sara for theatre.

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Life As It Is Ch.8

kia said, nudging jace with his elbow. he nodded in agreement. i found it so cute how kia managed to charm jace into a relationship with her.

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Heroes KIA 1

Haraio heroes kia 1 nina looked down at the instruments, at the radar. the signal was closer. the beautiful lioness smiled. "all fighters, form on my wing.

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Leather Ballad Chapter 8: Knight

"the kia out front," tabitha leaned into the counter, "who's it belong to?" the dog cocked a brow, "that's private. look if you're not here for rooms then i have to ask you to leave." "who came with the kia?"

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The war to remember chapter 2

We got a kia!....we got kia!",all vehicles have stop and hold there positions.

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Central New Year 4 Part 3 Things are revealed.

Aue takahia a kia kino!" and then everyone started shouting the maori, repeating the movements i had taught them. "kia kino, a kia kino! au au aue ha!" turuki turuki paneke paneke! turuki turuki paneke paneke!"

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Life As It Is Ch.3

kia cheered, clapping her hands together excitedly. kia, jace, and silnis all greeted the other champions while i felt a little uncomfortable being the new guy. how would i say hi? did i look okay? what would they think of me?

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Play and Ownership Chapter two

Kitu let out an affectionate purr and kias just stood there watching them both wondering what was going to happen to him. raith turned to gaze at kais and kais blushed under her blue eyes.

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Serenifi: HELL-O!

Serenity, fifi, and kia each gasped, and panted, and perspired as they mated with their own hellish companion.


Say Goodbye

I can however report james as kia. but i wish james to come back to earth. i love breaking up interspecies relationships". josh said with a grin on his face. james walked from kate's wing.

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Into the Unknown-Chapter 7

"nice chatting with you, kia. go get some sleep." he said nearly surprising himself when he called her by her first name.
