A Kitsune's Snack

Read the rest over at: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/kitsunes-snack-62709154](https://www.patreon.com/posts/kitsunes-snack-62709154)

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Chapter Six: The End?

Are the dark kitsunes now able to take over the universe with nothing to stop them...?

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Fallen Foxes

"just relax, it'll feel so much better if you just relax~ i won't hurt you after all~" fore's hand slide down the kitsune's leg, gently gliding fingers through his fur before coming to rest on the kitsune's package.

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Club Shift (Vore Story)

Just a little bit more, and he could start to use something else to push the rest of his friends inside the kitsune's roomy rump!

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Furries university chapter 22: Come on home

kitsune's sight began to come to him, as he saw the blurred figure. the coon leaned over and put his paw on kitsune's forehead. kitsune could tell he was in ozwot's room. "are you alright?" "i....where is shon?"

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Don't Believe Foxes

The kitsune's face was twisted in rough bliss, tongue hanging from his narrow muzzle while he was taken so soundly.

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Furries university Chapter 21: Field of sorrows

"kit please just calm down and tell me what happened" shon spoke softly getting on his knees and patting kitsune's back. kitsune rubbed his eyes pulling back slowly his weeps slowing until coming to a stop.

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[Commission] The Musky Smell of Victory

Charlie pulled off the kitsune's other shoe and took a sniff of the freshly released paw. it wasn't long before charlie could feel his own arousal pressing against his shorts.

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Furries University Chapter 7: Downhill Roll

"i haven't touched those lips since we left the room" spoke ozwot looking into kitsune's blue eyes. kitsune began to blush as he stared back at the green eyes of ozwot. ozwot met with kitsune's lips urging kitsune closer to his body.

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Vore Thursday Quickie: Thanksgiving Day Wolf

Feeling the kitsune's drool cover him inside the maw while that hot breath washed over his body.

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Furries University chapter 2: F you!

Then kagome sat behind kitsune's seat and sakura sat behind ryu's seat. "what are all the boxes for" asked kagome? "mine and kitsune's stuff" answered ryu.

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An Unknown Tradition

As she spread her legs, digging her heels into his hips and pulling him down to keep rutting her, the sounds of horny kitsunes fingering themselves filled the air.

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