Dragon in the Dishwater, Ch 4

"no... when dragons are awakened within our eggs we have no use of locomotion, or powers, or magiks... but, as i said, the common element is within all things... and, as that connection was made from within dwy, every part of existence meant for her to find

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Sweet Revenge

Sure to become that person's demise_ _ simply place an item belonging to the one that has scorned_ _ and by the power of magik


This is a Fan fiction I wrote for a Marvel text Based RP group.

Arms cut off by the sentinels beams and fi going into a fit of rage that destroyed her body next was dr. hank mccoy killed personally by nimrod himself when hank took the blast intended for storm on the next pass by nimrod they killed both storm and magik

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Born to War.

"hatchling" suspicious, but unconcerned in it's naiveity, continued to drink from the mana-pool. enriching and empowering itself and collecting a vast well of magical power that would last itself for it's entire life if used sparingly or rarely with huge magik's

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Hank's Hookah House: Trying Something Different

He released the magik hiding his true gnollish form though with their new warped senses and corrupted green eyes they would see him as he was in all his bestial glory anyway.

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Magik & Myth: Falling of the Dusk: Blood Dawn (Chpt 3)

It took some time, as I'd lost my internet connection for a while there, but here's Blood Dawn's third chapter. Enjoy. (^\_^) ~~~~~~~~ Chapter 3 - I Can Hear Drums... The night wore on steadily, and Halo eventually parted ways with...

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Kingdom of Stallions

He looked over to raus with somewhat conflicted human eyes, and saw the horselord whisper arkane magiks into raus' furry ear. all of a sudden raus' closed eyes shoot open and shimmer blue before he neighed with joy.

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The Summoning

"with our trained vision, we should have no trouble recognizing the magikal energies at play." "i bet you spell 'magic' with a 'k' you prick," jessie shouted, her voice echoing across the open space. bernie grumbled, pulling on his robes.

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Domination and Submission Chapter 6: Deception

There is less obvious use of magik in this chapter than the other ones, but it is definatley there. this chapter (along with chapter 5) is soo deep, i can't tell you any more of the great drama that arises.

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Mother of Gods

I came to them with power and arcane magiks that made the roden the most feared people of fenra. i only asked for one thing in return. the monster used it's claws to clasp her open blouse. with one swift pull, the shirt ripped, leaving the bra exposed.

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Legacy Of Chaos: Stave II - A Skewed Reunion

But xanathan carried on regardless and he became quite proficient in many areas of magik, especially those pertaining to the forces of nature." a chuckle rose from her lips.

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Panthora Part 1

Usually i'd have had to listen to all kinds of lectures about remembering my cell, now we have magikal means of communicating." i said laughing. "well i don't blame lena for worrying about you, after all you do attract some dangerous company." lys joked.

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