JBIAF: Spring/Summer Special- Prologue

A portrait of one of those pig-things with a human structure and genitals\* \*cut back to the other apes, doing nothing as usual, until the one races up to them, screeching in excitement and pointing to the cave displaying his masterpiece\* \*cut to the


7 Layers of Fur

Aiden then said to her, "i have made a masterpiece of you. my pink slave."**

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Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 5

"almost... my masterpiece is almost ready." she says with a wicked grin "you... wont.... gwah!!" the voice screeches in pain as demonic energy surges into the being within the tube "oh but i will little princess of the night.

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Clad in green silk and gold ornaments, he was klothys' masterpiece, a singular display of understanding reality by not understanding it at all.

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[TF] Perfect Chord

The extent of her skill would always allow her to surpass the most seemingly-perfect masterpieces; yes, even those created by her.

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Going Soft

#2 of final masterpiece sammy sat at the bar and just kept drinking. the sun was starting to go down and people were starting to crowd the place. he had a strange feeling that he first passed off as another side effect.

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Chapter VII: Handwriting on the Wall

He burst into the study, spying the small lamp on and shining at his partially complete masterpiece.

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A Composer's Lament - Thursday Prompt Story [#10, 09/3/23]

"then let us pick up our supposed mistakes," he said, grabbing a handful of them in his hand, "and turn them into masterpieces we can be proud of."

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The Poem

"moments like these are what really drive an artist to create a masterpiece, or an author to pen a new novel." "and here i just thought it looked pretty." max chuckled, leaning against the fox. "does it inspire you to write some new novel?"

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The Dogs: Litany - Preface

It has been called by people who have read it, which at the present writing modestly numbers in a score and a half or so, many things: a masterpiece and a shitpile, delicious and nauseating, reactionary and revolutionary, transphobic and queer-paragon, a piece

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Lilo & Stitch TF Story II

Lilo was in her room on hot summer afternoon, scribbling in her drawing book. once she was done, she takes out a photograph of a random guy she took on the beach, and hooks it onto the wall. she stands back to look at her masterpiece with a soft nod.

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Today's The Day

Flipping through them faster than you would a stick-figure flip-book, animatedly devouring the story as they hunt down the plots, teasing out the words like a gentle lover's sigh, and conquering them like hannibal with his elephants, daring the literary masterpieces

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