an endless voyage ch 32

Hust before natalie left, grace called after her, "tell admiral maya to get her sweet rump down here and come see her beautiful new future crewmen." "aye lass." natalie said. and with that she left.

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Phade and Natalie - Have Faith

Said natalie. â "where?" â "i'm phade aarons!"

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The Lucky Kat is Saved

natalie stroked lucky as she noticed him become erect from the treatment of the bigger kat. lucky kissed natalie while he began to rotate slowly in her grasp. bella was impressed.

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Phoenix - Chapter 4 - The Welcome

natalie, can you leave the room for a second?" "whatever..." natalie rolls her eyes as she turns to go upstairs to her bedroom. "thank you..." robert whispers when he knows natalie is out of earshot.

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Revenge Fuck

"oh shit, is that, natalie?" another familiar voice sounded from the other side of the wall. natalie felt a cold shard pierce her heart; she knew that goddamn voice all too well. it was sam, rodney's best friend and business partner.

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[21] Kovux Entry #402 - Remnants

natalie had a seat near the end of the table and then glanced over at us. "feel free to take a seat everyone." we all took a seat near natalie and made ourselves comfortable.

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What Goes around Comes around. part 1

natalie!?! what do you mean, getting your stuff? you aren't really... you can't... it is too my business... natalie? natalie!" racheal threw the phone down and started to cry again. any feelings of hatred i had for her quickly disappeared.

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More Magical Mistakes

They complied, sasha still mildly displeased with natalie's overdeveloped sense of vengeance.

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A Taste of Something Else ~ Chapter 14

"natalie," he managed, his voice an empty rattle in his throat. "natalie, please..." there was the time back in history class when they had an entire period assigned to review and practice their presentation.

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Phoenix - Chapter 5 - Sunday

natalie is the one who enters. "oh, i'm sorry. i didn't realize you weren't decent." natalie covers her eyes out of embarrassment after seeing daron without a shirt on. "it's fine, natalie; i'm still wearing my jeans from yesterday."

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After the Storm - Prologue [Vacation's over]

natalie flipped the switch to the lights in jason's room, jason's eyes would have been fried without his blanket. "jason alexander, you will get up this instant!" natalie commanded with a stern and intimidating tone.

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Perfume by Jenny, Part 2

For a moment, there was a deafening silence - neither of them spoke, olivia mute in fear, natalie trying to make sense of what she was seeing - and then natalie matter-of-factly crossed her arms and nodded.

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