I love you Krystal

I tested my compatibility with you for producing offspring and the results were ninety nine percent. so you're the closest being for a mate for me." she climbs in bed with him and cuddles james.

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"ninety-seven-fifty-one," i said over the receiver, giving our unit number to the dispatcher as we pulled out of the bay, "show us en route."

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ninety-seven had died. ninety-seven bodies. ninety-seven children's bodies. ninety-seven tiny graves. _don't break down in front of him. don't talk out loud, either, you idiot!_ al chastised as he started to open his mouth.

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Sha`el's beginning

"two crewmember vital signs lost, ninety-eight point three percent probability crew has evacuated vessel, or are deceased.

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Twin Mews 1 - Prologue

"more or less ninety percents." he stated. but then, it struck him. ninety percents? what are the percents of similar dna for siblings? more than ninety for siblings, more or less ninety for beings of the same specie that are unrelated.

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Admirable Bases

Room three one on level ninety-two was underground under one of the aircraft carriers.

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08 Frail

She was ninety-something years old. though her body had become frail and her mind was beginning to betray her age, her spirit never faltered.

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Seperated by fate.

Grayson publishing had turned to making north american manga with the craze that started in the late eighties and nineties, now having over fifty titles from north american manga writers.

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Talk Like a Pirate Day

His is my only diamond ring keep his gold, spoils of battle old, we fought against ninety-seven fold we never shot for our stories told... grandose manure of the sunken mould thirteen shops where we only sold...

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You Listened

"but, it was a hundred for ninety, right? s-so... if i paid you another hundred, do i get another hour and a half?" already starting to take off his clothes all over again, jay grinned. "another ninety?

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One good stretch on her back and her toes would be ninety feet and change away from mural-scaled peepers. time passes. an idea eventually comes to mind.

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Ridixin (Original Short Story)

Inside the van, i hook the animal up to a heart monitor, and its heart seems to be beating pretty normally, considering it just got hit by a lamborghini at ninety miles per hour.

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