Hirsune Pt. 24 - A Pleasure to Meet You

"'one who's name sounds phonetically pleasing,'" ardenus said with a smile, which grew broader at her look of confusion. "hirsune names are always unique, and don't have any special meanings. we create names that sound pleasant to say and hear.

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Hellborn: Poisonous Soil

Barbera opened the laptop and pulled up the dictionary, starting with phonetics. she sat next to the female and pointed to the first symbol, giving a demonstration of how it's pronounced.

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Intermission 3: Once Unrequited

I do my best to translate the phonetic draconian speech into our feithiro song-language, though it proves very difficult to do so while remaining unheard.

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Chapter 2: Maneki Neko

True to my prediction, betty lou - i know her real name, but i couldn't begin to recreate the phonetic spelling of it and get anywhere close to right - brought out a bowl of "war wonton soup

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They were slightly muffled, but he could make out some syllables and phonetics, words, phrases... he listened carefully, trying to hear any word of himself in the conversations.

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A Fox Behind Bars part 36

Dimitri and i stayed up real late, first working on how he could phonetically sound out unfamiliar words, then just talking like we were friends. it was an amazing feeling to not have fear breathing down my neck for once. and earlier...

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Just One Spritz (SynTech)

But if his students did their work properly, he would have much more time to delve into a whole new branch of early phonetic pronunciations. maybe tackle that translation project he'd shelved a few years back.

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Fated Scales: Imagine

Alex listened to the booted footfalls of doran's steps, the cabin phonetically sealed to perfection. this whole charter plane was more like a flying living room.

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Rat Park ch3: Setting Sail

He slowly sounded out, tackling it phonetically as best as he could. olivia reached over and took the letter out of his hand, looking down at it. "beaubonique, ya big oaf. s' french." alfie's browline popped up. "french?

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The Human Species Ch. 36 - Lonely Legend Mew

"a..." she said, not sure that lucario had been using phonetics correctly, "... what?" "goddamn it, you don't know what a phone is!?"

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Ripples From My Mane - Chapter 1

He became aware of the fox standing over him, inspecting his trap, and it started speaking again, but much more rapidly, enough that he couldn't even catch the various phonetics that came out of its mouth.

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Not So Retired Any More XXV

The words he read were written phonetically, and though he didn't know exactly what they meant, he knew their general intent.

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