Untouchable: Chapter 20: What should I say

He searched the hosts area, the bottle of his meds rattled in his pocket. he took them out and played with the label now half torn from a days preoccupation.

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"Drax & Mag: UnFamiliars" --- Chapter 1

The rattling of the door ceased, and the faces inside the house glanced at each other uncertainly. "why would we have heard of you?"

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Spring into New Ownerships

The chains rattled against the bolts that held them in place. "oh good, you're awake," a young lion about her age said.

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Unholy Creatures

They ran past him and toward the dragon, who took notice of the peculiar noise of rattling armor and yelling, and looked in their direction.

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Deeper and Deeper

He looked down at the weapon in his handpaw, only to find that instead of his aura bone club, he was holding a bright blue baby rattle.

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Capture the Dragon

It rattled at him and stretched towards his hind leg. pulling with enough force to make his claws drag backwards. when he dug his talons into the ground, the chain rattled and yanked. then the plug buzzed that much harder.

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Rough Negotiations

The moment she tried to roll to one side he shook his head roughly, rattling her jaws as he forced her to go back to her belly, rattling her until her crown tumbled from her head, nearly knocking off her glasses.

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The Makings of an Infantibus

Her tail swung around behind her, clattering and rattling as the tip of that 5th limb was an actual giant baby rattle. she was a big, diapered, living plushie of a demon.

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Little Wings of the Storm

#4 of poetry foreword: a terrible storm may rattle windows, blow leaves, and streak with lightning, but can be memorable for different reasons. another poem out of me!

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Epilogue to Humanity: Prologue

Epilogue to humanity: prologue gazing out through the windows a lone figure stands, observing the dim flashes which illuminate the brown smog rolling through the precipice between the towering obelisks of glass and steel, the now constant wind howling and rattling


Stork Inc. [Archives]

For a second it seemed like the puppy was entertained by this, and gently grasped the rattle. as suddenly as the stork switched positions the puppy's paw in view flung the rattle at the storks face.

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Farewell, My Master

He drew a rattling breath, then continued, feeling his strength weakening second by second, but knowing this gentle vixen deserved to know the truth...as painful as it was.

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