Zemial's Desire...

His heart was hammering hard into his chest while his body surrendered to the rampant onslaught that the rott was thrusting out onto his form.

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A simple story II part 11

Matt returned his smile, a friendly kiss on the cheek of the rott. « go to yours because he goes less to see you for a time too !

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As rudy brought his attention up from that swollen boxer dick of his as he sat there on the bench, letting aden slowly glide his pitbull paw up and down the boxer's member, he could see that blake's heavy rott gonads were slowly starting to lose their sway

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Dealing for the Night

_ the time seemed to drag on as she started to wonder if the rott was leading her in circles, till finally they came to a stop at a set of stairs.

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Ch 1: About Jason Campbell

Although i didn't realize it at the time, i was able to peek into that rott's real nature and see that he didn't like what he was doing... or at least how he was going about doing it.

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Let him stay with that bastard rott.. the fox sighed again. cursing his ex-lover made him feel no better. he placed the key in a waist pocket, and made his way up the street. his nuts ached..

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Puppy Love Chapter One

Tyler's bobbed rott-like tail wagged as he pushed into my mother. mom bit her lip, her hips working as tyler closed his eyes and bucked into her. my hand flew to my mouth. i darted away from the door and around the corner towards the kitchen.

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Project Valiant: Tape Two

The rott gurgled loudly, pieces of his lungs backtracking through his esophagus and out his muzzle as he fell forward, the spinning blade slipping out of his body.

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System Update

Devin smirked and reached past the rott to put his paw over bastion's on the mouse. "let's see how you did," he said casually.

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Tank - A Ride Home

It's a really nice gym...my buddy lance recommended it, he is that rott you probably see me workin' out with."

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You've been Naughty

One touch leads to another and after a fairly easy break-in the two are in an empty classroom with the rott bent over a desk and tj fucking her brains out from behind, (doggy style of course hehehe ).

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A new Beginning Prologue: Kurt's Story.

The rott major barked in a gruff voice. thanking the other officers in turn. they all stood at attention until the rott said "at ease." the men, stood loosely now and took a seat...

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