The Beasts and Brave - Chapter 16

starling yellow eyes gazed down at me, heavy-lidded and almost full of compassion with a shimmer of madness. striped blue-white-and-black fur coursed over his tall, slender frame as he held me close and grinned up at the jaguar across the beach.

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Deaf Paws I

With a starling roar he vaulted off the roof, gliding gracefully over the road and landing on the other side without even a stagger.

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The Teaching of Squirrel Girl: Squirrel Girl's turn

She thinks wondering what she might use when her daydream offsets her balance cracking a branch and starling her. she looks down as a branch lands and then gets an idea.

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End Game - Chapter 21 - True Face Revealed

Gatomon looked up suddenly starling kari as she jumped back. but when she looked again, her eyes had gone back to their normal blue.

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Lady and The Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure: Understanding

Downstairs, the oaken grandfather clock that had been given to darling from her mother, starling, rang once, twice.

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CH11 C:Session:1

"you would dare insult count starling of fairwood? he would have you quartered for such words."

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New Beginnings - Ch1

With a starling softness the central entertainment system greeted me by name. "hmmf. this place is as impressive as they'd claimed it to be, even if the staff are eccentric," i mused to myself as i headed to the kitchen.

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My leg hurts...

Rox got so starled she jumped down to the floor. noone cared tough. as she looked up at where the voice had come from she saw a wolfess staring at her confused. "are you ok?" she asked. rox noticed she was looking at her chest.

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End Game - Chapter 3 - Hidden Power

But the most starling feature was when izzy looked up. his eyes had changed to a solid red colour. he opened his mouth, and a voice like izzy's, but deeper and colder, spoke. "or else this."


Scarborough Fair Homecomings Chapter One

I never met johnny face to face, i always dealt with intermediaries, usually leu and his friend, a cat morph named starling kit. the two seemed inseparable.

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Ice Dancer

Within a few minutes, the starling left the stage and the lights dimmed down again. erma's hand transferred its attentions from the tapered avian cock down to his feathered sac, playing with them.

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New Wolf chapter 16

My question seemed to starle ami as she immediately turned away from me,"huh? i don't know what you are talking about."

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